Chapter 57 Paralyzed, Superboy's Death

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“They need help!” Kara said as she watched the scene unfold.

“As a citizen of the United States, I have the freedom of choice in deciding whether I want to render help to another or not”.

Amari responded indifferently, his eyes still watching the good show in the distance.

Kara frowned.

“If you're not going to do something, then I will”.

She stood up as her words fell.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you”. Amari shook his head nonchalantly.

“You may not know who he is, but I do. And I speak with all seriousness when I say that the current you..... Is no match for him. Your overall ability can't match up to a quarter of his speed”.

Amari spoke the truth with no other intentions, but the plain tone entering Kara's ears made it seem like something else.


The Young Kryptonian frowned with displeasure.

“But I'm kryptonian. You said it yourself, under a yellow sun, we're almost indestructible. Even if I can't beat him, he can't do anything to me either”.

“A kryptonian with only a few hours of sunlight absorbed into your cells. I also said that the accumulation of solar energy takes time. And the majority of your time since you left the Phantom Zone was spent in the Axiom. A separate dimension where your cells can't absorb solar radiation. You are Kryptonian, not invincible. You jump in there right now, not only will you be of no help, you could, no scratch that. You will get yourself killed”.

Hearing his words, Kara felt mildly uncomfortable.


“Huh?” Amari raised an eyebrow.

“Why do you choose to sit back and watch?”

Amari was silent for a few seconds before replying.

“Because I'm the neutral party”. Turning his head to watch the scene, he continued.

“Unlike your cousin, I'm not a hero. I have no overwhelming sense of Human Justice to speak of, nor do I have the urge to commit what the humans deem evil. I guess you can say I'm in the gray area. I'm not one of them, so I have no desire to try to act like them. Furthermore, I won't cause them any trouble, but I won't put on a cape, tights, go around saving people I've never even met before and protecting a world I'm not from. It's a thankless task, one which humans show very little gratitude. For now, I'm nothing more than an observer trying to satisfy my curiosity as best as I can. I think it's best it remains that way because I doubt my “Sense Of Justice” will get along with your cousin's”.

Kara opened her mouth, wanting to say something but finding it difficult to refute.

Amari paid her no attention. Looking at the Black Flash from another earth, his thoughts roamed a bit.

Superman's motto was basically the same as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man in the Marvel Universe next door. Morals instilled into him by his father figure.

With great power, comes great responsibility.

And that great responsibility involved the no kill rule. He had nothing against Superman.

From certain points of view, his determination to stick with his principles even after seeing the amount of death and destruction those villains he caught on a monthly basis brought to society, abstaining from turning into a murderer and a dictator, was in a way, quite admirable.

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