Chapter 44 Tsukyuomi, Brainwashed

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Destroying an entire city filled with millions of innocent lives to prove a point?

“You've gone Mad”. Bruce growled angrily. The display of anger on his face was so vivid that people who knew Batman would be surprised.

“Really? I don't feel like a madman”. Amari raised an eyebrow and said with a blank face.

“Anyone who would even consider destroying an entire city filled with millions of people in cold blood is nothing short of a monster”.

Bruce's heart beat frantically, the palpitations due to worry and fear. All the hairs on his body stopped on end when such a dreadful possibility appeared in his mind.

The extreme sense of crisis that that ball of energy gave to him only assured him that this wasn't a bluff at all.

That energy ball was real, and capable of doing what Amari said it would do. As for whether Amari would do it or not? The indifferent expression on his face was practically an answer on its own.

Amari chuckled at his words.

“Whether I'm a monster or not is debatable. But do I look like I care about the result?”

“....... Why?” Bruce asked grimly.

“Why you ask?”

“Your actions are plain madness. No matter the result it accomplishes, it will make you and the earth irreconcilable”. Batman staggered a bit yet his firm tone never wavered.

“We might be wary of you, but we will never stop hating you, stop loathing you, stop looking for any possibility to defeat you”.

Bruce spoke solemnly. The situation had escalated far out of his control. First, it was a spaceship, then missing Leaguers, then beat up Leaguers, and now the possibility of the destruction of Gotham.

This was something he couldn't allow to happen no matter what. Now, he could only hope that Amari would listen to reason. However, the next set of words that came out left him somewhat stunned.

“Isn't that what you want?” Amari's voice was calm.

“How could that be what I........” He said, subconsciously defending himself, only for his words to trail off at the end.

“Oh really? Then why Bruce?” Amari asked.

“You led the League to encircle me, another led to invade my property, and then you used force after you failed”. His tone grew colder and colder with each sentence.

“I've got to ask. Do you think so little of me”?

“That I'm like any other villain you cross paths with where you have the full right to barge in and treat me how you will, expecting me to take it as it is?”

“Well, if this isn't the rhythm of making enemies, then I don't know what is”.

Bruce took two steps back in disbelief, his facial features were marred with confusion and a bit of disbelief.

“I......” Shaking his head to get rid of useless thoughts, he replied, “..... Never wanted it to get this far”.

“We just wanted to know what was in the meteor. It's our Job to make sure the earth is secure”.

“Isn't Cadmus dangerous? Don't you know that they carry out illegal experimentation? I mean, there's literally a little Superman running around with that little team of Proteges you and the rest of the league have. It should serve as sufficient evidence. Why don't you also forcibly detain Lex Luthor against his will and search through everything he has according to what you're doing to me?”  Amari asked with intrigue.

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