𝟜𝟚: Too Old

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When Will's phone starts ringing while he's at work, he almost doesn't answer it. But something tells him that this may be important.

He answers the call, wiping the sweat from his brow.


The second Will hears his old high school principal's voice come through his speaker, he rakes a dirty hand through his hair.

As Mr. Morgan explains the situation to Will, he finds himself gripping the phone a little tighter.

"Mr. Morgan," Will cuts in,"if you don't mind me asking, why are you calling me about this?"

Well, unfortunately, Mrs. Stanley is unable to come and get Jacob. She asked me to call you and ask that you would pick him up from school for her.

Trying very hard not to let out a string of cuss words, Will takes a deep breath and rests a hand on the truck he was working on.

"I'm at work right now," he says, once he's regained a bit of composure,"but I might be able to sneak away for an hour or so."

That would be greatly appreciated, Mr. Reid. I'll see you when you get here.

"Right. Bye."

Will hangs up before Mr. Morgan can say another word.

"You've gotta be kidding me," he says to himself, before going to find his boss.

Thirty minutes have passed since Stan's principal got off the phone with Will.

During this time, Stan has felt sick to his stomach. If his mother had been the one to pick him up, he would've been scolded and that would have been that. But now that Will is coming instead, there's no way he's getting off that easy.

He senses Will's presence before he even sees him come in.

And even when Mr. Morgan looks up from his desk to address Will, Stan can't bring himself to do the same.

Stan can tell from the way Will clips his responses, that he's just as furious as he suspected.

Finally, Mr. Morgan gives the okay for them to leave.

Reluctantly, Stan gets up from his seat and finally turns to look at the man who has come to pick him up.

Will's already looking at him and the anger radiating off of him is enough to make Stan take a nervous step back.

"C'mon," Will says, jerking his head towards the door.

Knowing that stalling will only make this worse, Stan wordlessly leaves the office.

He and Will begin to walk down the empty hall side by side, and Stan can't help but thank God that no one will be witnessing this.

"Mr. Reid, I—"


Stan's mouth immediately snaps shut and he remains quiet even when they reach the truck.

When Will gets in, he slams his door and starts up the truck.

He doesn't put it in drive at first, he just sits there, gripping the wheel.

"I was at work," he says, looking down at the emblem on the center of his steering wheel.

Stan remains quiet.

He feels Will look over at him, but he can't bring himself to meet his eyes.

"I should never have to leave my job to come get you because you decided to have art class outside today," Will snaps.

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