𝟛𝟘: Don't Run Away

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When Stan finally pulls up to the cafe it's nine o’ clock,  four hours past Nic's curfew.

The whole drive home she's been thinking about what she'll say to make up for what's already been said.

Deep down she knows there's nothing that can fix what she's broken.

"Ya gotta get out," Stan says, breaking the silence.

"I know."

"It'll be bad."

"I know."

"But whatever happens, ya deserve it."

At that last statement, Nic looks over at her friend.

"Really, Stan?" She deadpans.

"What? Ya want me to lie and say you'll instantly be forgiven and everything will just go back to normal? Ya know your dad, Nic. And what ya said to Mrs. Reid was really awful. Stuff like that doesn't just go away."

"I know."

Stan's expression goes hard again.

"You're the one who did something wrong, Nic. Don't forget that. You are the reason your life is so damn hard right now. Because of your own bad choices."

"You sound like Will."

"Well then he's right."

Rolling her eyes with a huff, Nic opens her door and goes to get out.

"Hey," Stan says, causing her to look back at him,"whatever they say to ya in there and whatever they decide your punishment is, don't fight ’em. Be mature and take responsibility, okay?"

"Okay," Nic replies, starting to close the truck door.

"And Nic..."

She sighs, opening the door again and looking inside.


"Don't run away."

The look on her friend's face reminds Nic that he knows her just as well as she knows herself.

"I won't," she says.

Without another word, she shuts the truck door and walks up to her back porch.

Reaching under the worn welcome mat, she retrieves the key.

When she unlocks the backdoor and steps inside, she expects her mother to come rushing towards her. Wrapping her in a hug. Asking her where she's been and if she's okay.

That's not what greets her.

Will is sitting in his recliner, reading a book, in an otherwise empty living room.

Nic looks over to the family kitchen, finding no one there either.

Confused and slightly uneasy, she hangs up her backpack and stands a good distance away from where her father is sitting.

"Where's Mama?"

Nic's question cuts through the silence.

Without looking up from his book, Will answers.

"Oh, so it's ‘mama’ now?"

Ignoring the remark, Nic asks a new question.

"Is she in her room?"

"She decided to go to bed early."


"About an hour ago."

Well, I don't want to wake her up. Guess it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

"Well, if she's asleep, what are you still doing up?"

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