𝟙𝟘: Safe

813 36 29

It's been almost fifteen minutes since Nic left to use the bathroom.

Will sets his pole down and turns to look at the path his daughter disappeared down.

"Should we go look for her?" Stan asks, setting his pole aside and looking up at Will.

"I think we're gonna have to."

The two stand there, looking out at the dirt road, hoping that Nic will come around the corner. When it's evident that she isn't coming back, Will sighs.

"C'mon," he says, heading over to his truck.

Stan follows behind him and watches as Will retrieves a .44 magnum handgun from the glovebox of the truck.

"What's that for?" Stan asks, suddenly on edge.

Will takes out a hip holster and attaches it to his belt before slipping the gun into the holster.

"In case we run into an angry grizzly," he replies.

Stan's eyes go wide and all color drains from his face.

"It's okay," Will says, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder,"stick close to me and you'll be fine."

The two set off down the trail, looking for any sign of Nic. After walking for a minute or so, Will starts calling her name.

"Nic?! Can you hear me?!"

He and Stan walk for five minutes before realizing why they can't find Nic.

"Damn it," Will says, under his breath.


"She went into the woods."

"Well duh."

Will turns on Stan with a hard look. The boy immediately looks away, regretting his choice of words.

"C'mon," Will says, sharply, heading towards the woods,"and stay close."

Without a word, Stan obeys.


"Help! Please, somebody!"

Nic's been crying out for help for the past thirty minutes, which to her has felt like hours.

"Will! Stan! Somebody! Please help me!"

When she's met with only the sounds of the forest, she drops to the ground. She hugs her knees against her chest and cries.

I'm so stupid for chasing that rabbit. Why did I ever come into the woods? I should've just listened to my dad. My dad? No, I meant Will. I should've just listened to Will.


"Do you see any sign of her?"

"No," Stan answers, honestly.

With a sigh, Will pulls out his phone.

"I should call Gina. It's gonna worry her to death, but she needs to know what happened."

She picks up on the last ring.

Hey, Darlin'. Sorry, it's busy here. How's the fishing?

"Gina," Will begins calmly,"I am gonna tell you something and I need you to stay calm, okay?"


"We were fishing and Nic had to go to the bathroom. I told her to go on down the trail a bit, and to stay away from the woods."

Oh God.

"She didn't listen to me. Stan and I are looking for her right now. We're gonna find her, okay? I don't want you to worry."

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