𝟛𝟞: Confrontation

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Stan's heart is racing the entire drive to his house.

He doesn't live that far from town, maybe thirty minutes or so, but to him, it feels like hours.

Every once in a while, he'll glance over at Will's lap where the gun is resting.

Why does he even have that? I wish I had the courage to turn around and take him right back to the cafe.

"I'm not mad at you."

Stan nearly jumps out of his skin at the sudden sound of Will's voice.

He looks over quickly, meeting Will's eyes, before focusing back on the road.

"I know it might seem like I am," Will continues,"but I'm not."

"I know you're not mad at me. I know exactly what you're mad at. Nic never should've told ya. This isn't anyone's business but mine."

"It became my business too when my daughter witnessed it."

"Nic and Kate were never ’sposed to see that," Stan snaps, his knuckles turning white as he squeezes the steering wheel.

"But they did."

"I tried to hurry up and get us all outta there. I thought that since his truck wasn't there, he was still at work. I swear to God that I wouldn't have gone home if I'd have known this was gonna happen. If I'd have known they'd see it."

"Stan, take a breath," Will says, calmly,"none of this is your fault. I wasn't trying to say that it was. I'm sorry if it sounded that way."

Will takes a deep breath and glances out his window before continuing.

"I just meant that my daughter got me involved and I want to help you. You shouldn't have to live this way. No one should."

Will's mind drifts back to his own father. His own black eyes and broken bones. Instinctively, his grip tightens on the gun.

"I can handle this, okay," Stan says, sounding annoyed,"I don't need anyone rushin’ to my defense. I can take care of myself."

"And how are you handling it, Jacob?" Will asks, looking back over at the boy driving,"would you say your methods are working?"

A muscle in Stan's jaw ticks, and he flexes his stiff fingers against the steering wheel.

If he says what he wants to, it'll only result in Will getting angry, and right now, he doesn't need that. So, instead of cussing his passenger out, he keeps his mouth shut.

After what seems like an eternity, they pull up outside of Stan's house.

Bile crawls up Stan's throat at the sight of his father's truck still in the driveway.

His heart is hammering inside his chest and for some reason, he feels unwelcome tears well up in his eyes.

No matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to draw in enough air to fill his lungs.

"Jacob!" Will says, sternly, placing a firm hand on the teens shaking shoulder,"look at me. Hey! Look at me, son."

What's going on? What's going on? What's going on?

Stan feels tears start to fall from his hazel eyes, and he can't stop shaking. His breathing has quickened and so has his heartbeat.

Will keeps one hand on Stan's shoulder, using the other to turn the boy's chin to face him.

"Look at me," Will says, drawing out the words and willing Stan's eyes to meet his own.

Finally, Stan looks up, fresh tears spilling down his face, as the salt stings his bloody lip.

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