𝟛𝟠: Finally Free

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Stan's father hasn't laid a hand on him since the day Will ‘spoke’ with him. And as relieving as it is to no longer live in fear, Stan still believes it's too good to be true.

The minute the physical abuse stopped, so did the verbal abuse. David Stanley gets up, goes to work, comes home from work, crashes on the couch, and drinks his life away.

That much hasn't changed.

In fact, it seems as though after Will's visit, David's drinking just got worse. That doesn't bother Stan in the slightest though. As long as he and his mother are safe, he couldn't give less of a damn about the mental or physical well-being of his father.

This morning, Stan's thinking about Kate, as usual, when his mother knocks on his door.

"Come in," he says, pulling a flannel over his white T-shirt.

Lorie walks into the room, smiling when she sees her son.

"Hey, baby. I just wanted to tell you that I went ahead and packed your lunch for today. It's in your backpack."

Stan shakes his head, but can't keep the grin off his face.

"Mama, I told ya that I can make my own lunch."

"I know. But I enjoy doing it for you."

"Ya spoil me," Stan says, buttoning the cuffs of his flannel.

"That's how it's ’spose to be, baby. Now c'mere and give me a hug so I can leave for work."

She holds out her arms, looking up at her son with a smile.

Stan closes the distance between them and wraps his mother in a hug, before lifting her so that her feet are dangling a few inches off of the hardwood floor.

Lorie swats her son's arm, laughing as she does.

"Boy, put me down! Just because you're a foot taller than me, doesn't mean you get to act like it!"

With a laugh, Stan gently sets his mother back down.

He tells his mother that he loves her, and she tells him the same, before she leaves his room.

Mornings are so much more pleasant now that Stan's father is a man of so few words and actions.

All Will said was that the man better never lay another hand on Stan or his mother, but David took it as a direct command to say and do as little as humanly possible.

It's almost laughable, the way that David acts now. Someone who was once so loud and violent, just seems on edge and depressed now.

And as much as Lorie gets on her son for making fun of his father's change of behavior, Stan can't seem to stop himself. Though he's not stupid enough to say anything in front of the person he's making fun of.

When Stan's phone buzzes, he goes over to check it, already knowing who the text is from.

Katie: Hey! Just seeing if I still have a ride to school today :)

He smiles at her message, before sending one back.

Told you I'd pick you up, didn't I?
Be there in 15.

Once he sends the text, he rereads it and instantly regrets his wording.

She'll know I'm joking around, right? Does that first text sound mean? She won't be upset. Will she?!

For good measure, he sends another text. Just in case she didn't catch the playful meaning of the first one.

See you soon :)

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