𝟙𝟜: Tell Me Why

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With shaking hands, Gina reaches into Stan's bag and pulls out one of the beer cans.

She turns it over in utter disbelief. Then she sets it down and grabs the other can, finding this one to be empty.

When she realizes this, her hand flies to her mouth.

She sits there, staring at the empty beer can for a full minute before she sets it aside and begins to search the bag further.

There are multiple candy wrappers, along with some unopened boxes of sour candy.

Just then, the backdoor opens and Gina hears heavy footsteps downstairs.

"Gina Jo," Will calls out,"I'm home."

At first, Gina doesn't respond, she's still staring at the contents of Stan's bag.

"Baby? Where are you?"

"Up here," Gina yells,"in John's room!"

She hears Will ascend the stairs and enter the room. He's standing behind her in the doorway, no doubt wondering why she's kneeling on the floor.

"You okay?" He asks.

"William, come look at this."

Without another word, Will crosses the room, walking right up behind his wife.

He squats down next to her.

"I found them in one of Stan's bags," Gina says, handing him a can,"and this one's empty."

Will takes the can from her and looks it over. Neither one speaks for a moment.

Reaching into the bag, Will pulls out the candy and candy wrappers.

"What about these?"

"I think he stole those too. There's no way Lorie would let him have all that."

Will stands to his feet and reaches down a hand to help his wife up.

"There's only one way to find out," he says.

He and Gina carry the beer cans and candy downstairs to the living room, depositing everything onto the kitchen table.

"I think we need to talk about this before we confront him," Gina says, giving Will a look.

"If you're referring to yesterday, I'm sorry. I lost my temper when he talked to you like he did. It won't happen again."

"It better not," Gina replies seriously,"or you'll have me to deal with."

Sometimes, Gina reminds Will of his mother. She always knows just what to say to make him too scared to cross her.

"We'll call him in and talk with him, I'll send Nic and Johnny into town and we can text them when we're ready for them to come home," Gina says,"I won't call Lorie. I reckon I'll just tell her on Monday when she gets here. If this had happened at her house, she would've just called me to take care of it anyway."

Will nods his agreement, though he still doesn't know why Lorie doesn't discipline her son herself.

"Alright, come on," Gina says, heading for the door.

Right before she opens it, she turns and looks Will in the eye.

"I don't care what he says or does, ya don't do what ya did yesterday. He'll be punished, believe me. But I have known him for far longer than you have. I've known the boy his entire life. If he's doing this, he's doing it for a reason. We need to figure out what that reason is. Ya hear me?"

"Yes ma'am," Will replies, making Gina smirk.

She opens the door and the two adults step out onto the back porch. The children are playing soccer in the yard.

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