A cage I created

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In the silence of the night, when all is still,

I close my eyes, and in my mind, I feel

A place of solace, once my favorite retreat,

Now a distant memory, bittersweet.

A person dear, left behind in time,

Their absence now a haunting chime.

Once, laughter flowed like a gentle stream,

Now stifled, lost in a silent dream.

In days gone by, thoughts were free,

No need to justify, no scrutiny.

Conversations held with ease,

Now a longing, a silent plea.

Locked in a cage of my own making,

Alone with thoughts, endlessly aching.

No one to share, no one to hear,

Trapped in solitude, drowning in fear.

But hope flickers like a distant flame,

Perhaps tomorrow, I'll break this chain.

Released from this icy prison, I'll roam free,

To see the ones I miss, to be me.

In this empty life, a question lies,

Will I ever break this ice, this disguise?

With each passing day, I hold onto hope,

That one day soon, I'll find a way to cope.

Verses of Silence: Poems of the SoulWhere stories live. Discover now