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In the depths of thought, I ponder and muse,

"Who am I?" A question, my mind does confuse.

Lost in the labyrinth of my own mind's sprawl,

Seeking answers, as memories recall.

"I think," I say, with uncertainty's grasp,

Lost in a journey, without a map.

"Where am I?" I question, feeling adrift,

In a sea of thoughts, my spirit does sift.

Missing pieces, lost along the way,

Now cherished dearly, in the light of today.

Once, I smiled freely, and tears did flow,

Now, a mask I wear, emotions in tow.

No longer can I unveil my soul's true song,

Concealed within, where shadows belong.

Activities once cherished, now mere reveries,

Dwelling in the past, amidst memories.

Yet, this path I've chosen, this fate I've embraced,

Leaves me tangled in thoughts, in a darkened space.

A cacophony of feelings, a whirlwind of strife,

Will I ever find solace, reclaiming my life?

In the echoes of silence, I search for the key,

To unlock the door, and set myself free.

Through the turmoil and trials, I continue to strive,

Hoping one day, to truly be alive.

Verses of Silence: Poems of the SoulWhere stories live. Discover now