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Oh, how I miss the sun's warm embrace,

On my face, its gentle grace,

Walking barefoot on floors of ice,

In moments lost, a paradise.

Once, conversation flowed with ease,

Jokes shared, laughter a sweet release,

That green field, a haven near,

Now, memories fade, washed with tears.

From rain showers to Sunday feasts,

Moments cherished, now deceased,

Gone, like whispers in the wind,

Leaving emptiness, void within.

The taste of barbecue, a distant dream,

Lost in choices, regrets unseen,

Unable to turn back the hands of time,

A soul adrift, without a sign.

No longer can I shed a tear,

Bound by chains, gripped by fear,

Forbidden from who I used to be,

In silence, I mourn, longing to be free

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