Echoes of Resilience: A Journey Through Brazil's Heart

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In Brazil's heart, where despair holds sway,

Love's absence, a burden, not to bear.

Teachers, peers, they turned away,

In shadows, marginalized, each day's affair.

Trapped within a system, frail and tainted,

Thoughts of surrender, sudden and stark.

Yet a glimmer, distant and sainted,

A lifeline extended, a light in the dark.

With her love, newfound strength did rise,

To right the wrongs, to seek a new height.

A tale of redemption, like Monte Cristo's guise,

Embracing identity, casting off plight.

Now standing tall, poised to impart,

Inspiring others, daring to care.

A moment arrives, to illuminate the heart,

With gratitude and resolve, taking to the air.

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