Shine Bright: A Message of Hope and Resilience

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Child full of dreams, don't give up the fight,

Teachers may not see you, but your future's bright.

When no one believes, hold on to your truth,

Believe in yourself, in your heart, find your youth.

Told you'd never grow, labeled as nothing,

Cried and suffered, felt like you were bluffing.

But I know your pain, I've felt it too,

Sometimes life's puzzle seems askew.

We'll endure more than we think we can bear,

But hold onto purity, and love's tender care.

Don't surrender, if waiting's your chore,

The universe rewards, opens every door.

Those who diminish you, fear your inner fire,

Don't hide, don't flee, let your spirit aspire.

Be true to yourself, shine bright and free,

For in being authentic, you'll find your glee.

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