Chapter 36

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"What the hell happened?" I looked up to see Reece walk into the waiting room. I had gotten a text message from Jessica's phone with the adress of where she was. I had told the police and they helped me rescue her. I later fount out that Nathaniel's son, Alex, was the one who sent the adress.

"Reece calm down." Joey said as he walked in behind Reece. Reece looked worried and frustrated. The doctor had just left to check on things with Jessica. We had arrived at the hospital 30 minutes ago and the doctor had to take her to the ICU. She was beaten pretty bad. It was all my fault. I shouldn't have let her get close to me.

"Jessica Gray's family?" I looked up to see the doctor. I stood up and nodded my head while Reece said yes. "She was beaten pretty badly. Her head was damaged, broken ribs, and internal bleeding. You are lucky to have brought her in when you did. We are not sure if she will survive, but right now she is in a coma. We don't know when she will wake up or if she will ever wake up." I saw Reece fall to his knees and burry his head in his hands. Joey grabbed him and held him. "I'm very sorry. We will try our best, but it's all up to her wether or not she will come back. This is a battle she has to fight alone."

"Thank you doctor." I said. He nodded his head and we were left there. Reece was sobbing while Joey was trying to keep it together. I felt numb. My heart feels like it has been stabbed repeatedly. I did that to her. I caused this. She is in a comma because of me.

"How did this happen?" I heard Reece say between sobs.

"How did you know where to find her?" I looked up and saw Joey looking at me.

"It was my fault." I whispered. Then out of nowhere I was punched in the face. I looked up to see Reece standing there.

"You bastard! You did this to her!" He repeatedly punched me over and over. Is this how she felt? Did they do this to her? Is this the pain she had to go through?

"Reece stop!" Hospital security came in and pulled Reece away from me. A nurse came and took me to a room to fix my wounds. I deserved that. I deserve to be beaten just like she did. As I was walking out I saw Mr and Mrs. Gray walk out of the elevator. They looked up and saw me. I just looked away.

What have I done? Jessica is in a comma. I should just stay away, but what's the point? She was already hurt. Nathaniel is in jail and will be for a very long time. Why would I leave after I already caused her pain? That would be the cowardly thing to do. No. I would face this head on.

The nurse fixed up my bruises and let me go back to the waiting room. Instead of going there I went to the hospitals cafeteria. I know most food here wasn't the best but I just needed something to distract me. As I was getting coffee I saw Joey sitting at a table looking outside. I turned away and was about to head to the waiting room.

"Maxwell." I looked up and saw he was looking at me. I went to his table and sat down. "What happened?" He looked me right in the eyes. He looked older then his actual age. He looked tired and drained.

"A man I use to work for kidnapped Jessica just to get back at me. I tried everything I could but I just couldn't find her. Not until Nathaniel's son texted me the adress. By then she was already unconcious. The police arrested everyone. The ambulance brought Jessica here and now here we are waiting for her to wake up. That is if she wakes up." Joey sighed before taking a sip of the coffee and looking outside again.

"Jessica was always such a bright young girl. She always listened, did her work, paid attention. She always had a smile on her face, but then when that asshole of a boyfriend came around she was crushed. She would never date, but that one boy broke through and what did he do he broke her. I don't want you to leave her. You might have caused this to happen, but when it's over and she wakes up you better stay by her side. You broke through and I don't want her to break again. Are we clear?"

"But, I caused her to be in a comma. Why would you want me to still stay with her?"

"Because I like you. You are a great boy. You tried everything to find her right?" I noodded my head. "You tried. That's all that matters. Didn't you try and get her to date you? You wanted to show her that she could trust you. That she could let you in. Don't loose that trust. If she wakes up and you leave. You are breaking that trust. Okay?"

"I understand. Thank you Joey."

"No problem. Now get up to that waiting room. I think the doctor might be coming." I nodded my head and went to the waiting room. The doctor was standing there.

"You can all visit her now if you would like, but only two at a time please." I looked in the room and found The Gray's, Katherine, Liam and my parents. My parents were here? They came! My mother spotted me first and came rushing to me. She engulfed me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry Maxwell. I know how much that girl meant to you." I didn't say anything. I just wrapped my arms around her. I hope my mom stays. I needed her. Mr and Mrs. Gray went in first followed by Reece and Katherine. Joey and Liam went next. My mom and dad went. I went last and alone. Reece didn't want me to go, but after Joey talked to him he stayed quiet and didn't say anything.

I walked in an closed the door quietly behind me. I looked at her. She looked peaceful. It was as if she was asleep and any second she would just wake up. Then that beautiful smile of hers would cover her face.

"I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me. I can't live without you. You mean so much to me. You are like my other half. Without you I would feel empty. Everyone would miss you. I would miss that beautiful smile of yours. I would miss your weird obsession with food. I would miss everything about you. Please come back to me. I want to tell you something. Something that is very important. Jessica please come back."

Tears started to stream down my face. I soon began to sob. My mother came in and tried to take me home but I told her I didn't want to leave Jessica's side. The doctor let me stay. Margaret came and brought me blankets. She kissed my forehead and left. I just laid there. Feeling numb, lost, and empty.

Hey sorry for such a late update. I started school and I really would rather crawl back into bed and read. Anyways updates might take a while since I'm also writing my other story which I will be posting soon hopefully! Anyways back to my regular a/n.
Ooh! Reece got Maxwell good! Oh God Joey just melts my heart! ^_^ Maxwell moment here! :'( couldn't stop crying! Our poor boy is feeling lost! Maybe 2 more chapters left! Sorry for any mistakes! You know the drill!

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