Chapter 6

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I had the girl twin, Jessica, as my partner for the stupid English project. She had slapped me and we hadn't even said a single word to each other. I walked to the cafeteria with Julia, I think that was her name, but I saw Jessica standing next to a blonde girl in line. She had her plate completely full of food. God, that girl sure can eat. She isn't like all those other girls who eat salads and have diets. It's like she really didn't give a damn. This should be interesting.

"So, Maxwell where did you come from?" Julia asked me while twirling a piece of her hair around her finger. I smirked at her and slid my arm around her waist. She giggled and placed her palm on my chest. This girl should be easy I thought to myself as I started leaning in to her neck. I placed kisses down her neck. She let out a moan and her hand started traveling under my shirt.

"Excuse me, some of us would like to eat our lunch and not throw up." I turned to see Jessica staring at us with a look of disgust on her face. I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes and turned to the girl next to her.

"Listen you little bitch! We can do whatever the hell we want. If you don't like it you're more than welcome to move tables." Julia snapped back at her. Jessica turned and glared at her.

"This was MY brothers table so, the one that should be moving is you not us." She glared back at her. Okay, it was getting hot in here. She looked cute when she was trying to be intimidating.

Wait. What? What's wrong with me? Did I just say she was cute?

"You little bitch! You can't tell us what to do!" Julia stood up glaring at her. Jessica got up and was about to say something back when a hand when around her mouth and stopped her from saying anything.

"Okay, that's enough Julia. I will be taking Jess here and leaving. Right Jess?" He turned to her and gave her a look. She sighed and nodded her head. He let go of her mouth and she turned and glared at Julia before grabbing her stuff and walking to a table outside. Julia gave the boy twin a smirk and sat back down. "Julia, you better leave her alone or else you will regret it." He sneered at her and walked away.

"What's his name?" I asked Julia once we were alone again.

"Reece, and that little bitch was Jessica. They're twins and they think the can do whatever the hell they want." She said while glaring at the table the twins had gone to sit at. The table was starting to get full of people. Seems like they are pretty popular around here. That might change soon. I just needed to get some dirt on Reece. He seems like the more popular one.

It was time to have some fun. I thought as I stared at them.

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