Chapter 33

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"This is so exciting! I can't wait!" I squealed in the back of the limo. I had gotten a scavenger hunt from Maxwell and I couldn't wait to finish it! It was so sweet and thoughtful. Most of the clues involved things that only he and I knew which made it even more special. He really was a sweet guy. He just kept it hidden under all his buffness.

"Ms. Gray, we have just arrived." I looked out the window and saw that it was a carnival. I saw a man in a clown costume walk towards the door. He opened the door and honked a horn. I giggled as he helped me out of the limo. He gave me a wide grin before handing me a note. He tipped his hat and winked before walking off. I opened up the note and saw it was the last clue of the scavenger hunt.

Congrats! You made it through the whole scavenger hunt. I'm so proud of you! I knew you would make it! Okay enough of that, now come to the highest point at the carnival. I will be waiting, so keep an eye out!

I giggled, rolled my eyes, and made my way into the carnival. There were people just coming in with their children and families. They all looked happy and excited.

I remember when Reece and I came here. It was me, him, Joey and a couple of our staff. My parents weren't here, so they couldn't come. We had the best time until Reece saw something that reminded him of Violet. He broke down there right in the middle of the walkway. Joey had to carry him out with me behind trying to hold everything in.

Well, enough of that I needed to find Max. I walked towards the roller coaster. That's all I could think of being the highest point in the park. I looked around and I saw him near the enterance. I smiled before heading towards him.

"I found you!" Max jumped before spinning around. I giggled at him while he just scowled at me.

"Yeah, I can see that. Now shall we get on the roller coaster? Or are you afraid?" He asked while raising an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes.

"Please, I am the master at roller coasters. I've always gotten on them. Even as a child I enjoyed them." He chuckled before grabbing my hand and leading us towards the line. We were able to get on quickly. I looked over at Max and saw that he looked a bit nervous. I giggled. "Hey, it's okay. We will be safe just take a deep breath." He looked at me and scowled.

"I'm not scared." He said. The ride began to move and I could see his grip on the rail tighten. His knuckles had begun to turn white. I placed my hand over his. He relaxed a little bit. The rest of the ride he had relaxed and actually enjoyed it.

"So, what are we doing next?" I asked as we walked through the carnival. Maxwell looked around and then looked back at me. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. Whatever you would like to do." I smiled at him before dragging him to a booth. I had been keeping my eyes on one of the stuffed animals. It was a giant turtle. I loved turtles and I wanted this stuffed turtle.

"Can you win me that turtle?" I asked Maxwell with an eyebrow raised. He smiled, but I could tell it didn't reach his eyes. Did something like this happen before? Was it with Annie? Maybe that was why throughout the whole time he always looked around and behind his shoulder. Did something bad happen?

"Here you go. I won." He smirked handing me the turtle. I rolled my eyes and just squeezed the turtle. I stood on the tip of my toes and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you." He gave me a small smile. Another booth had caught my attention. It was a face painting booth. I loved those. I grabbed Maxwell's hand and walked towards it. I could hear him chuckle.

"A face painting booth?" I nodded my head and made him sit down. I asked for a book of all the designs they had. I was going to choose his design for him. I chuckled to myself before telling the lady which one to paint on him. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow before I could say or do anything the lady asked him to close his eyes.

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