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After retrieving the Time Blade, the ninja went back to the temple where they stayed to plan their next move. Zane, Cole and Jay all stood around the Time Blade, marveling at its power and color, but Anirei stayed away from the temporal weapon. The burns on her hands were gone but the stinging sensation was still lingering. She didn't tell anyone about the burns from the weapon, at least not until she could figure out why it hurt her.

"Whoa, amazing." Cole gasped.

"It is unlike anything I have ever seen." Zane commented.

"So cool." Jay said as he lifted the Time Blade into the air.

"Elder Brother Jay, please be careful." Anirei warned him, "The Time Blade is very powerful."

"Oh come on, Anirei, it can't be that hard to control if those snakes could use it. Check this." Jay threw the Time Blade to a makeshift target, "Boom! Ha! Eight bull's-eyes in a row. Beat that."

"I did." Cole stated.

"Oh, really? When?" 

"When I got nine in a row."

"Okay, yeah, if you wanna count that." Jay scoffed.

Cole took the Time Blade from the target and lifted one of the empty boxes nearby.

"Watch this." Cole said and threw the empty box into the air before firing the Time Blade at it, making the box slow down in time.

"Ha-ha! You missed." Jay laughed.

"Did I?" The box remained in the air, but Anirei could feel an odd sensation in her head, as a small piece of time around the now floating box was unbalanced. 

"Slow-moving target. Easy-peasy, lemon." Cole jumped into the air and used the Time Blade to but the box into small pieces. The pieces fell to the ground as scrap along with Cole.

"And that's how you recycle an empty box."

"That box was not empty." Zane pointed out, gesturing to the now torn stuffed animal lying in the cardboard scraps. Jay gasped in horror, rushing to the stuffed animal and holding it tightly.

"Mr. Cuddlywump..." He whimpered, "is a teddy bear I used to love when I was five, but now he's totally lame and--"

"We know you still sleep with him." Cole admitted.

"And I don't care who knows it!" Jay shouted. Anirei chuckled and walked over to her brother, taking the stuffed animal from his hands.

"I can sew Mr. Cuddlywump back together good as new. I'll have him back with you by tonight." She offered and Jay smiled grateful for her help.

"Thanks for that, Anirei." He thanked her.

"Switching to playful mode." Zane took the Time Blade and threw it at the wall, the blade being lodged into the bookshelf behind Nya.

"Hey, watch it. I'm working here." Nya glared at the boys.

"Sorry, Nya." Zane apologized and took the Time Blade from the wall.

"What's up with Nya? She's been on her computer since we got back from the desert." Cole inquired.

"Her attempt to locate her stolen Samurai X suit is consuming her." Zane said.

"Ugh. She's as bas as her brother." Cole said.

They all looked over at Kai, who was sitting in the corner studying the helmet he took from one of the snake samurai. He mainly stared at the imprint melted into the metal inside the helmet, a forge hammer hitting a smoking anvil. It was familiar to him somehow, but he couldn't put his finger on it no matter who hard he tried to remember. Just then, he smiled.

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