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Once all of the ninja were taken into custody, they were placed in cuffs and transported into a secure location called Kryptarium. A high-level security prison where the worst of the worst were kept. The officers led the group of Ninja down the hall where several other prisoners were shouting and banging against the bars of their cells. Almost everyone looked scared, but Anirei didn't seem to be scared or even nervous. 

Instead, she looked like she was looking for something. Something specific. But no one could tell what she was looking for.

"Fresh meat! Fresh Meat." Some of the prisoners shouted.

"Don't mind them." The warden said, "They all get a little grouchy when they don't get their meat."

Everyone gasped when they heard the inmates growling and someone throwing meat to each prisoner. All of them munched happily as they at their meal, and the ninja walked faster down the halls to escape the hungry inmates.

"Krytarium Prison. We've been here before, but as guests, never inmates." Zane commented.

Lloyd grunted, trying to break his shackles, but it proved to be futile.

"You can try, but those shackles are made of vengestone. Pretty good for shutting down your powers, and making sure you don't ghost out of here." Warden Noble said.

"Oh yeah?" Cole questioned, "But how good are they against my super strength?" Cole tried to use his strength to get our of his cuffs, but just like with Lloyd, it didn't work out the way he wanted.

"Just wait. Almost got them."

"They aren't gonna break, Elder Brother Cole." Anirei sighed. She looked down at her cuffs and felt how heavy they were. Being blocked from her powers was something she didn't she would go through, but now that she was blocked from her powers of balance, she felt completely unbalanced. It was weird.

"Hey, aren't those the ninja?" A skeleton asked banging his bones against the bars.

"They're the reason I'm in here."

The ninja continued shuffling even faster down the hall.

"Since you're celebrities, I took the liberty of taking you out of the general population." Warden Noble said once they made it to the end of the hall.

"Ha! Who doesn't love the special treatment?" Kai asked.

"And placing you in the super mean and dangerous population." The warden opened the door and revealed to the group the large separated population for the worst of the prison and led them down the walkways to their personal cells, "You're special all right."

"It's no problem, warden." Lloyd said, "We'll do our time until all of this is straightened out."

"Like we said before, Warden, we were framed." Anirei added.

"That's what they all say, Anirei." The warden said and gestured to the empty cells, "Now get into your cells, inmates." He patted his pockets, but quickly found that they were empty.

"Gosh, darn it, I forgot my keys again. Look, stay here while I go find them."

The warden ran to find his keys and the ninja turned to see their temporary place of residence.

"At least they're locked up." Jay laughed nervously as the inmates banged against their cell bars.

As as their luck would have it, the doors of every cell opened and released their prisoners, and each one of them was out for a little 'meet-and-greet'. 

"Nifty gadget. You make that?" Lloyd asked one of the inmates, one with a mechanical arm and eye.

"They call me The Mechanic." He answered, "And I've got a bone to pick with you."

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