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"Master Wu taught us that any problem can be solved." Kai said as he and Anirei looked around the museum, "It just takes thought and time."

"I can be very certain that there is nothing to interest you here." Dr. Saunders said, almost desperate for the ninja to leave.

Anirei looked around and saw that the sarcophagus was shaking. It was completely still, but something didn't sit with her. She walked over to the artifact and tried opening it, but Dr. Saunders stopped her from doing so. 

"I don't see why we can't just take a little look around." She said.

"She's right." Kai agreed, "What if this guys was related to the snakes we fought?"

"Not likely. And really, I doubt you'll find anything. Our collection is mostly harmless artifacts." Dr. Saunders said and tried to push them away.

"Hm. Maybe. But you never know what might open the door to some secret information, something I'm missing." Kai said as he hopped onto a large snake-like chair which bent backwards a little. Anirei noticed that Dr. Saunders was acting even more suspicious, leaning on the chair and blocking something behind the chair.

"Like, you know the expression, "one can't see the forest for the trees"? Something that's right in front of me."

"Elder Brother... Something's going on and I don't like it." Anirei told Kai.

Before Kai could say anything else, Dr. Saunders once again tried to usher them out.

"Now, really, I must insist that you both go home." He said and pushed them towards the front door, "It is after closing time."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. It was a longshot, anyway." Kai said.

"Wait Elder Brother Kai." Anirei called out and pointed to the helmet they left in the room, "Doesn't the helmet look familiar to you?"

She ran back into the room, took the helmet and held it up to painting of Sensei Wu and Garmadon fighting the Hands of Time. It was the same kind of design that the Hands of Time were wearing.

"That's it!" Kai exclaimed with a smile on his face, "It's just like the one they were wearing. But wait, Acronix is gone and Master Wu said Krux was lost in time forever. So that means Krux must still be around somewhere!"

"And I think I have an idea where, isn't that right, Dr. Saunders?" Anirei asked and looked directly at Dr. Saunders.

"Don't be ridiculous. I have told you, they are myth." Dr. Saunders continued to defend, but when he tried to get closer to the ninja, his mustache snagged onto the snake statue and came clean off. As the fake whiskers fell to the ground and his glasses fell off, Anirei's suspicions were confirmed. Dr. Saunders was nothing more than a fake.

"Dr. Saunders!" Kai exclaimed, seeing the resemblance between the painting and the old professor.

"Or should we call you Krux?" Anirei said, preparing to fight if necessary.

"Krux? Then that means Master Wu was wrong! You weren't lost in time!"

"No, no, no, no, that is absolutely...." He couldn't hide his identity any longer, shifting his tone to his real voice, "...correct. I've been hiding here, right under his nose for decades."

"I knew I'd seen that helmet before!" Kai shouted.

Krux tore off his disguise, revealing a uniform identical to his twin brother, "Well, aren't you clever? Such smart little ninja the two of you are."

He came closer and closer to the two ninja, but Anirei was clever enough to grab him by the shadows. She used her powers to bind his shadow to the other shadows against the wall. Krux tried to take another step towards them, but found that he couldn't move.

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