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The ninja all stood in front of Jay, who was wearing the helmet they took from the defeated snake samurai. They came up with the idea to wear the helmet to figure out who created the samurai, as if the mind of the samurai would be transmitted into his mind. But it was to no such luck.

Jay sighed and took off the helmet, "Sorry, guys, nothing."

"Darn, I was sure trying on the helmet was gonna help us figure out who those samurai snake guys were." Cole groaned.

"Me, too." Nya said, "Jay, are you positive the helmet doesn't do anything?"

"Ha! Besides does it makes me look cool?" Jay asked.

Anirei smiled, "I think you look nice, Elder Brother Jay."

Jay smiled at the compliment, but Kai walked up to him and took the helmet from his hands, examining it as if he was looking for something important.

"Hm. Something about this is familiar, though. I just can't place it." He said, "Maybe we should ask Master Wu?"

"Maybe not, Elder Brother Zane. Master Wu was resting the last time I saw him." Anirei said, but the others were already on the way to Wu's room. Without even knocking, they burst through the door and saw Master Wu resting on his bed.

"This helmet, I feel like we've seen it before." Kai said placing the helmet on Wu's lap, "Can you tell us anything?"

Anirei sighed and helped Master Wu sit up on the bed to examine the helmet.

"Curious." He said, "Time...."

"Time?" Kai asked.

"Time waits.... Time waits for no...." Before he could finish, Master Wu had already went back to sleep.

"Uh, Master?" Kai questioned and Master Wu suddenly sprang up.

"Did someone mention lunch?" He asked.

"No, Master, no one mentioned lunch." Lloyd said helping Master Wu lay back down.

"Then why did you wake me?" Master Wu asked then went back to sleep.

"He isn't himself." Lloyd said and ushered everyone out of the room to give their Master some peace to rest.

"Clearly. Lunch isn't for three more hours." Jay stated and groaned, "Ahh, this is just perfect. Mysterious snake samurai... uh, things attacked Ninjago, Cyrus Borg missing, and our team is down one master and one ninja."

He said that referring to not only Master Wu, but also to Zane, who has been offline since their last battle with the Snake Samurai.

"We've got to get Zane back online." Lloyd stated, "He was the last one to see Cyrus Borg."

"Yeah, except Cyrus Borg is the only one who has the equipment to get him back online." Cole pointed out.

Anirei thought for a moment, then smiled when an idea came to mind.

"Elder Sister Nya, what about the computer in your Samurai X cave? Could you boot up Elder Brother Zane from there?"

Nya smiled and nodded, "That's right. I might be able to do it. Although, I could use some help."

"I'm in." Cole volunteered.

"You know I'm going." Jay said.

"I'll stay." Lloyd said, "One of us should keep an eye on Master Wu."

"I'll go to the Museum and talk to Dr. Saunders. He's an expert on all things Ninjago. Maybe he knows what Master Wu is too weak to tell us." Kai said.

"I'm going with you, Elder Brother." Anirei, "I'd like to talk with him as well. Something about that painting of the battle against the Hands of Time, the shadows in the corner. I need to know more."

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