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It was dark.... and cold.... 

It was all she could see and all she could feel. Nothing was warm and she could see nothing in the darkness.

"Little Anirei..." A voice cut through the darkness, calling out her name.

"Who's there?" She asked.

"It's me... Do you not remember me?"

A name came to her mind....


"Yes child, I am your grandfather."

"But where are you? Where am I? Why can't I move?"

"You have been injured, child."

"By whom?"

"By the Ninja." A vision of the five Ninja came to her mind, all of them glaring at her with so much malice that it frightened her.

Something in her heart told her that they were awful people. But she got a strange other feeling, something telling her to not speak to the voice of her grandfather.

"These are the enemy, my child. They are the ones who made you an orphan. They took your family from you, right before your eyes."

A memory flooded her vision. The five Ninja, an old man with a bamboo staff, and a woman with braided hair and glasses. All of them, destroying her home and taking away her family right before her eyes.

Anirei felt anger rise within her, boiling with her ever-growing rage. The Ninja were the enemy. They needed to be destroyed.

"Yes, my granddaughter. The Ninja are the enemy. And to make this world right again, you need to help me defeat them. Now, open your eyes, my child."

Anirei felt her eyelids become lighter than before, light slowly fading into her vision, almost blinding her. When her vision came back, she saw darkness, but a different darkness. Her grandfather was hovering over her, and though she couldn't see it, The Overlord was smiling at her.

"Get up, my child. For we have much work to do." He said.

Anirei slowly sat up from the cot she lay in, setting her bare feet on the cold stone that made the ground. She stood up and looked around, seeing the tent that surrounded them and a mirror to her left. When she looked at the reflection in the mirror, for some reason, she didn't understand why she looked the way she did.

"What is wrong, my child?" The Overlord asked.

She stayed quiet for a moment, staring at her reflection while touching her cold cheek.

"Nothing, Grandfather. Nothing at all." She replied.

"Good. Now, shall we meet your new army?" 

Anirei nodded her head, walking out of her tent and standing in front of the Stone Army, who knelt down in front of her in respect. 

"Lady Anirei." General Kozu greeted, "We have been awaiting your return. We shall follow you to the ends of the earth, My Lady."

Anirei smiled wickedly, "Yes. I thank you for your loyalty."

"And as a welcome gift for your return, we have a prisoner here for you."

The warriors brought in a girl dressed in red with short cut black hair. She looked up at Anirei with horror and shock written all over her face.

"Anirei!" the girl shouted, but Anirei looked at her confused.

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