Day of the Departed Special

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~~~~To be honest, I almost didn't write this special. But seeing as the Day of the Dead was Nov. 2nd, and I celebrate the holiday by remembering those I lost, The Day of the Departed was too good to not write. Please, enjoy, and never forget those you've lost.~~~~~

The sun was slowly setting over the Sea of Sand, and all seemed quiet and peaceful. That is, until the loud roar of a high powered motorcycle echoed across the sun-kissed sky.

Kai, Master of Fire, jumped over one of the hills of sand while rushing across the desert.

"Move, move, move. We're running out of time. Pick up the pace." He shouted.

"Yes, ninja. It's up to us to save the day.... again." Cole said, his roadster rushing in the same way Kai was followed by two other vehicles close behind him.

"Roger that, Kai." Nya said, "Zane, do you have a read?"

"ETA too late, unless we break all speed limits. Increase velocity." Zane said to PIXAL.

"Already on it." PIXAL replied and the team went even faster.

Just then, Wu appeared on Lloyd's screen intercom, "Ninja, I have reached the rendezvous point. Where are you?" He asked.

"The museum is still five clicks away. We're on our way." Lloyd answered.

Jay flew past the team quickly in his jet, "Look out, kids. Jay to save the day. Hey, race you there, Lloyd." He laughed.

"I still don't understand how you got the Supersonic Raider Jet." Lloyd groaned annoyed.

"The same way I was able to get the last pot sticker at dinner last night. We called dibs." She laughed.

"You said it, Anirei, and guys who calls dibs gets it first, right, Cole?"

Cole wanted to answer, but his vehicle went out of control and his hands were fading.

"Cole?!" Jay shouted, "Let me go get him! He's drifting off again!" He then turned to get his friend.

Cole fidgeted with the controls, terrified and looking down at his hands which were phasing through everything he touched.

"No. No. Come back. Come.... No!" He shouted, the vehicle drifting up the side of a nearby mountain and nearly hitting Jay.

"Cole! Look out!" Jay shouted. Thankfully, the car drove over the Raider Jet and landed safely on the ground.

"Oh, uh oh. S-Sorry, Jay." Cole apologized.

"Whew. I know you're a ghost, but I'm still in the living world, and I'd kinda like to stay that way." Jay sighed.

"Ninja, time is of the essence." Wu said.

"He's right." Cole said determined to make it to the rendezvous on time, "Engage."

"We have one last shot if we wanna make it. Combine for maximum impact."

The team, except for Cole and Zane, merged their vehicles together. Kai attached his bike to the left of Lloyd's vehicle. Nya attached her bike to the right side and Jay attached the jet to the top.

"Locked." Kai said.

"Loaded." Nya confirmed.

"And jet speed, reporting for duty sir." Jay said.

"Fire all engines!" Lloyd ordered and they sped off to Ninjago City. They only stopped when they arrived at the museum where Wu and Misako were waiting.

"Master Wu!" Jay gasped for air as everyone hopped out of their vehicles, "Are we too late?"

"There may yet be time." Wu answered. Everyone Spinjitzued into the museum, stopping at their destination: The gift shop. The shelves were lined with beautifully crafted lanterns for the special day.

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