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Darkness, there was nothing but darkness surrounding the young silver ninja. She could feel her entire body shaking as the darkness came closer and closer. This was it. Her final moments. She never even got to fulfill her destiny.

"There is no need to be afraid, Child."

"The darkness cannot harm the one who controls it. It cannot truly shroud the light."

Anirei's eyes shot open, the darkness no longer surrounding her, but replaced by a silver light in a dome shape. She looked around her, but she couldn't see Pythor or Sensei Wu nearby. IT seemed as if the silver dome was only protecting her, allowing Sensei Wu and Pythor to be swallowed by the Great Devourer. She finally looked up above her and saw the Great Devourer staring down at her. The great snake struck down to swallow her again, but the silver dome stopped the snake right in its tracks, making the snake bounce away as it cried out in pain.

"How... can a child... do this to me?" The Great Devourer said angrily hissing at the young girl. 

Anirei shook her head and instinctively grabbed her short swords, pulling them out of their sheaths and holding them in front of her. What she saw was something she had never seen before.

The blades were glowing just as brightly as the dome surrounding her. As Anirei stood up, the dome grew to protect her even further.

"Anirei!" Kai shouted from where the ninja were standing. She turned towards them and immediately ran towards them, the silver dome continuing to cover her until she made it to the others before it completely disappeared.

She was grabbed by Cole and kept close, her short swords still clutched in her hands. The ninja had no other choice but to run back to the Bounty. Once they were on board, they ran to the bridge and to their stations to take off.

"Uh, hate to tell you this, but objects in the mirror are closer than they appear." Jay pointed out the slithering monster of a snake closing in on them.

"Working on it." Nya said, "Blasters on full."

The engines fired up and the blasters made the Bounty take off in minutes before the Great Devourer could even try to take a bite of the ship.

"Woo-hoo! Take that you stupid snake!" Kai cheered and taunted.

All of a sudden, the Great Devourer rose up from beneath the sands and roared once again in both anger and hunger.

"Uh, I think it heard you." Jay said nervously. Nya turned the Bounty to the right, dodging the snake's monstrous bite. But even so, the snake kept on slithering towards its meal.

"Nya, we gotta go faster. That thing's gaining on us." Kai warned.

"We're going as fast as we can." Nya stated, "I'll try to make to Scattered Canyon."

"Probability of us making it that far is less than 8 percent." Zane said.

"Never tell me the odds!"

"It's coming for another attack. Port side." Cole shouted. The Great Devourer growled loudly as the Bounty dodged its attack once more.

"We're losing speed." Lloyd announced.

"At this rate, the Bounty will drop to the ground." Anirei finished.

"Throw everything overboard." Nya said confusing the ninja, "We need to lose some weight."

"Port side!" Lloyd and Anirei shouted, but this time, the snake took a piece of the ship with it.

The ninja didn't have any other choice but to go into almost every room on the Bounty and throw whatever was heavy down to the ground. But as they did, the Great Devourer began eating everything they had thrown out.

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