{Chapter 15} Fifteen = Rain - Part 2

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"Hey? Do you want to do something fun?"

Hailey turned in his direction to see a cheeky grin but a mischievous glint in his eye, she thought about playing along with his antics. "Oh, what do you have in mind Sterling?"

Jake smirked at her and crossed his arms, "I thought you'd never ask Austin."

Hailey felt Jake take one of her hands and practically drag her through the wave of people. They eventually reached the front door, he opened it for her. "Princesses first-".

"Peasants last." She could help but make a snide remark.

"Wha- hey!" The hazel eyed boy pouted as the girl with jet black eyes laughed and pulled him out behind her.


They sat on the front porch protecting them from the rain not talking, just listening to the soothing sounds. Eventually Hailey spoke up, "I've always liked the rain. Found it calming."

"I know, the rain makes me think of you." Jake mumbled the last part.

She heard it and a light red hue spread across her face before he stood up. "What are you doing?"

He let out a light hearted chuckle before taking her hand and running out into the pouring rain. The singers soon became drenched, Hailey would have normally been annoyed. But she felt a sense of belonging and it being right.

Her hair was drenched and so was his. Their clothing stuck to their skin as they played out in a the rain jumping in puddles and chasing each other. Jake had never felt more comfortable and free, it's been a few days since he's been paranoid. Hailey seemed to lift the weight off his shoulders.

Soon it became a light sprinkle, nonetheless they still stayed outside running around acting like kids. Oh how Hailey had missed just being carefree with him.

"Jake, guess what?" Hailey said grinning.

"Hm?" He asked leaning down closer to her, she then tapped his nose and ran off.

"Tag!" She yelled while laughing. Jake could help but smile and join in on her laughter.

"Hey! No fair!"

The peach haired boy chased after her, they ran around in the streets and in the grass. The air was filled with noises of joy and laughter. Not before Jake slipped in the grass somehow falling backwards. This caused Hailey to loudly laugh at him.

Jake looked up at her, she eventually lent him a hand to which he took smirking. Once he was up he quickly grabbed her by the waist and started spinning her around.
Hailey had squealed in delight as she felt the swift movements.

They were soaked, but nothing else mattered more than these moments. Their thoughts had been trickled away with the rain. It was just two high schoolers playing with each other in the rain, their minds had entered a world of euphoria and pure happiness.


Once he put her down the two didn't separate. They stood there holding each other in silence, only the rain and their breathing could be heard. None of them spoke a word, Hailey began to make the first movements.

Her hand moved from his shoulders snaking around his neck, while the other cupped his cheek. Their faces were inches apart, they leaned closer to each other. She felt as his hands grip her tighter.

Her eyes were the first to close, Jake had followed right after. Soon their faces were pressed against each other. They gently kissed before quickly pulling away. Both were a little stunned but that quickly faded away as he pulled her in for another. This one being more loving and firm.

This one lasted much longer as they took little breaths in between. Once the two pulled apart they stood there looking into each other's eyes not saying anything. Hailey began to giggle and Jake soon followed. They were happy and wanted to moment to last.

But little did they know, a pair of blue eyes had seen them from the front window of the party.

Very short chapter cause it's a two part one 😭🙏 forgive me please

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