{Chapter 11} Elevan O'clock

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'Where are you? We agreed to meet here at eleven.'

'On my way, I should be there in five.'

'Hurry up, I don't have patience.'


"Do you have it?"

"No not yet but-".

"There is no buts! I need it now!"

"Yeah, I'm working on it. I'm still gathering more dirt on them."

"You should have it by now! I thought we agreed, if you got this done quickly I'd make him suffer."

"You know this ain't cheap, it also takes time. And yeah I do want revenge on him..."

"Then hurry up god damn it! You're Mr. Ritchie Rich, money shouldn't be a problem for you. Unless you want me to tell them about the incident."

"I-, Uh no. I' can get it in seven days at most, I promise."

"Good boy, Drew."

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