8: Why...

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"Georgie you can't keep skipping class" I said to the boy as we stood at his locker. Georgie and Scott have been skipping class for the past few days and Milly and I were trying to convince them to go to class.

"Why not? It's been great!" Georgie said enthusiastically while I rolled my eyes a bit.

"What do you two even do?" Milly asked and crossed her arms with a raised eyebrow, I copied her since she looked very intimidating compared to me. It probably doesn't seem like that matters, but when I'm trying to be bossy I look like a angry kitten, while Milly looks like an angry tiger. So, I wanted to look more like her because then Georgie will probably listen.

"We work, get a few extra shifts and earn some more money" Scott said in the same enthusiastic tone that Georgie used.

"Your 15, you don't need to be worrying about money" I pointed out.

"I'm turning 16 in February and Georgie's turning 16 in March. So, we should start thinking about money" Scott argued back.

"Come on guys" Milly said, sounding quite bored of the conversation. Then she turned to Scott "If you keep skipping classes then they will kick you off the basketball team"

"And they will kick you off the football team" I said to Georgie, copying what Milly was saying since she had a good team.

"I don't care" Scott shrugged.

"Me neither"

"Since when?" me and Milly asked at the same.

"Since we realized we need to work more, its more important" Scott said.

"So, your telling me that you don't care about football anymore?" I asked Georgie, using a tone that showed I didn't believe him at all.

"Not really" he said.

"And what about your dad?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't care what he says" he said, and my eyes widened a bit since I knew when George heard that he will loose his shit.

"Those are some fighting words" I said in response.

"May, it's my life, I get to decide what I do"

"Yea, but what your deciding isn't smart in the long run"

"How? I'm working to get more money. Football is a waste of time if I have a job I could be at" Scott spoke up.

"Scott, if you keep skipping class, I'll break up with you" Milly said and Scott took a second before responding.

"I don't think you would, and I also I take that as a challenge" Scott said with a smug expression and Milly just glared at him but didn't reply. Milly stood there for a few seconds before saying a few things to Scott under her breath that I couldn't hear then she stormed off. I thought for a second that they broke up, but then I saw Scotts smug expression and realized that he won the argument and Milly was just pissed off.

"I'll meet you at the car" Scott said to Georgie then walked away. I turned to Georgie with a bit of a sad expression, trying a new approach to try and make him feel bad. It was manipulative but it was also worth a try.

"Georgie, come on, just come to class with me" I said in a bit of a softer tone.

"I can't" Georgie said and crossed his arms as he looked at me with a bit of a pained expression.



I sighed since my idea didn't work and now I went back to using Milly's approach.

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