16: Perfect moments

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I heard the phone ringing non-stop while I was pouring the pasta sauce into the bowl's I had already put pasta in. I had taken over for this weekend and to be honest I was glad, because I didn't want to see Georgie and this way I had an amazing excuse for later.

I feel drained already just from looking after them for the day. I had taken care of seven kids by myself today that went from ages of twelve to three. Personally, I think this is quite well done, the house hasn't been burned down or flooded, everyone is alive and in one peice, and I have made a good enough dinner that will not poison any of my siblings. This is a major win!

"May! Lacey and Milly are on the phone" I heard July call from the lounge room and I quickly made sure everyone's food was ok before calling them down for their food and walking into the lounge room and found her lounging on the couch while she painted her nails a dark pink. She held out the phone to me and I smiled and took it from her.

"Thanks" I said and she got up to go and get her dinner. "Hello?"

"May! Where have you been all weekend? we have been trying to call you!" Lacey said.

"I have been sulking and taking out my anger on cleaning. By cleaning I mean I broke some glass in the kitchen and decided to clean all the kitchen while I had all the cleaning stuff out" I said.

"While I applaud your responsibility, you need to take a break!" Milly said.

"Yea, I mean, last we heard from you was Friday night when you went out with Georgie" Lacey said then gasped dramatically "What happened? What did he do?"

"Lacey, I don't really want to talk about it right now" I said.

"Too bad, spill! What happened?!" Lacey said and I groaned a bit before falling onto the couch.

"Life happened. I'm not enough for him and now he can go and do whatever he wants"

"I'm sure you're enough-" Lacey said kindly.

"He said he wanted to date other girls in addition to me"

"Oh, well that's, ahem, not great" Lacey said.

"Wait, does this mean you're not together anymore?" Milly asked.

"I don't know. I really don't" I said.

"Well, we are wishing you luck! Oh, and to make up for you not spending time with us this weekend you are coming to our house on Monday night" Lacey said.

"Lace-" I started but I was cut off.

"Nope, my mind is made up. You are coming over and we are going to have fun!" Lacey said.

"Lacey is right, you need to get out that house and have fun!" Milly said.

"I- it's a Monday night" I said.

"Our mom can take you to school the next day" Lacey reasoned.

"Fine. But you can't keep me up all night like last time, and I am not doing any pop quizzes" I said.

"I second that!" Milly said "Better start packing your things"

"I'll go do that, see ya tomorrow ladies" I said.

"Bye!" Lacey said.

"Night" Milly said and we all hung up. I quickly called March and April to alert them of the news and they were fine with it. Then I went back to the kitchen and got my dinner before taking it to my room and eating in there.

The next day at school was........ interesting. I spent time with Milly and Lacey all day and Riley and Scott were with Georgie. But when I did see Georgie, I didn't see him looking at any other girls, and when Veronica tried to talk to him he quickly told her he had to go somewhere and left without looking back. Lacey told me that it was a good thing and tried to show me that he was trying to be better, but Milly told me not to forgive him to easily and let him win me back which I of course laughed at.

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