13: Quick money!

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I opened the back door of the Cooper house and quickly entered followed by the other members of our group.

"Were here. What do you need?" I asked as we walked over to Georgie who was sitting at the kitchen island while looking at a paper.

"We are gonna be ritch" he said holding up the paper so we could see the title.

"The money maker?" i asked.

"It has all sorts of stuff on here of how to get rich" Georgie said.

"Let me see" Scott said as he snatched it out Georgie's hand and looked through it.

"Georgie helped us get money before" Milly pointed out as she saw Scotts skeptical expression.

"Yea, but most of this stuff will cost money to get tools and supply's" Scott said handing it to Lacey.

"I agree with Scott" Lacey said. Georgie took the paper.

"Watch" he said as he walked into the living room where George and Sheldon where.

"I just got our ticket out of here" Georgie said as the rest of us followed him into the kitchen.

"Adios" George said not looking away from the tv.

"I'm serious. This thing is full of tips on how to make a fortune. Only cost me a dollar" Georgie said.

"Is one of the tips 'make a crappy newsletter and charge idiots a dollar for it?'" George asked.

Georgie looked at the paper before saying "No, but not a bad idea. Listen to this. Raise bees and sell the honey for profit-"

"Do it, and I'm living with Meemaw" Sheldon said.

"Sell blood or non-vital organs-" Georgie continued with the list only to be interrupted.

"Give them your brain, your not using it" George said followed by the creepiest laugh coming from Sheldon.

"What was that?" Riley whispered to Scott.

"I think it was his laugh" Scott said.

"I think that's the only time I've ever heard you laugh" George said.

"Yea, it was a laugh" Scott confirmed.

"That's the only time you've ever been funny" Sheldon said.

"Oh, platinum can be extracted from ordinary roadside gravel" Georgie continued.

"No it cant" George interrupted.

"Actually, it can" Sheldon said. "Catalytic converters contain platinum. Microparticles of that platinum are expelled in the exhaust and are mixed in with the gravel"

"See? This thing's a gold mine" Georgie said before walking towards his room, followed by the rest of that group. Once everyone was in his room we shut the door. I sat on the desk chair, Milly and Scott leaned against the wall, Lacey and Riley sat on the bed while Georgie stood next to his door.

"Ok, so now that we know the list can actually work, what do we do now?" Riley asked.

"Easy, we make money" Georgie said.

"Everyone is gonna help right?" I asked looking around the room to only see no response. They were all looking at each other.

"Ok, if you wanna help get filthy rich say 'I'" Scott said raising his right hand.

"I" everyone said raising their right hands.

"Ok, so what do we start with?" I asked.

"Lets start with the platinum one" Lacey said.

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