11: Agreed

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Calm. That is a word i never get to hear or have. Calm is one of the rare things in life that some enjoy. When i do have moments of calm i saver it, love it, and care for it-
"Guys!" Riley yelled joining our group at the table.
As i said, i dont get it very often.
"Yes?" i asked while everyone looked at Riley confused.
"You know that test that you guys did so well on and i said that if i failed then you, my best, best, friends would help and have i mentioned how amazing you all look?" Riley said and i rolled my eyes.
"Spit it out, Marcas" Milly said using his last name.
"Well, it happened" he said.
"What happened?" Georgie asked.
"I may or may not have gotten an F in our English test" Riley said "And to pay up for it, i may or may not have signed us up for cleaning duty to get all of us a better grade"
"Riley!" we all yelled.
"I didnt need a better grade! I got an A!" Lacey yelled.
"Yea, but now, you'll get an A+" Riley said.
"Riley, shouldnt you have checked with us first?" i asked, slightly annoyed with what he did. "besides my parents wouldn't care what my grade is"
"But my parents do care" Riley said and the group groaned slightly. "Please? It is after school"

"Fine" we all grumbled and Riley dad a small happy dance before hugging us.

"You wont regret this" he said while i tried to breath from the hug.

"Already am" i said and he finally let me go, giving me air again.

"UGH!" Lacey groaned when she saw that we had to weed the yard in front of the school. "RILEY!"

"Yes?" Riley asked.

"Why?" she asked "Just.... just why?"

"Ok, everyone breaking into groups of two to do the weeding" i said.

"Who's going with Riley?" Georgie asked.

"Not it" me and Georgie said putting a finger on our nose.

"Not it" Milly and Scott said doing the same.

"I never understood that game" Lacey said sighing slightly as her and Riley walked to the far side.

"Ok, me and Scott will go in the middle section" Milly said.

"How'd you know me and Georgie would go together?" i asked.

"You two are always together" Scott answered for her and they walked off.

"Ok, lets get to work" i said sitting on the grass and putting a bucket next to me where we would put the weeds.

"I hate weeding" Georgie said sitting on the other side of the bucket.

"Have you ever done weeding?" i asked.

"....... good point" he said and i smiled to myself.

"So, what weird stuff is your family doing this week?" i asked. Every week/ day his family is doing something crazy. Not that my family is any better, but his family's drama is so much more interesting.

"Well, Sheldon and his friends got caught by my mom playing some dragon game with a demon involved" Georgie said.

"Dungeons and dragons? Yea, your brother told me about it the other day" i said "It went on for like an hour. But it was my mistake in telling him to go into detail"

"You asked him to go into detail?" Georgie asked, raising a questioning eyebrow at me.

"Oh, leave me alone. I said it was a mistake" i said. "But i also hung out with Missy for a few minutes, which is always fun"

"Ok, if you say so" Georgie said, laughing slightly.

"What? i love your sister" i said.

"Sometimes, i think you like her more then me" Georgie said.

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