Chapter 21

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"Your Majesty, open the doors", I can hear Aria say in a singing tone at the other end of the line.

"Wait, what?!", I almost scream in the phone. I can hear my bestie giggle. "No way...", I let out. It's then I jump from the chair I was on signing some papers and run to the window, only to see a small taxi somewhere in front of the palace gates. "You're here?", I let out, almost jumping from joy.

Aria chuckles again. "Surprise", she tells me excited. "Open the gates so I can hug you already."

Without thinking much about it, I ditch the papers and run downstairs, telling one of the guards to open the gates. I also don't wait for the taxi to get here but run at meet it halfway. The taxi does a sudden break, Aria jumps out of it and starts running towards me.

I can't believe she's here.

As she's close, she wraps her arms around me and we both start cheering and jumping, and I know I'm crying to have her with me again. "I missed you", I whisper, pulling her even closer.

I can feel she's crying now too, and her voice comes shaky as she says: "I missed you too, Livie. So much."

I can see Brad and Landon quickly appearing behind me. They arrived yesterday; the three days having gone. I've mostly been locked up in the study lately, drowning in paperwork and rule books. The only escape has been the walks my parents are taking me on through Broix and the occasional meetings with Nathan. He sometimes joins us on our city tours, however neither of us got the courage to invite the other to a meeting just the two of us so far. However, I know I'll eventually get some alone time with him, like it or not. For Mom and Dad are leaving Cordelia in two weeks, since they both have businesses back in New York. They'll come back for the coronation. Nathan told me he'll stay here until the coronation, meaning that when my parents leave, it will just be me and him.

I'm equally excited and terrified by that thought.

The taxi driver also meanwhile took Aria's bags out of the car and is waiting for her to pay. I make a sign with my head at my bodyguards and they get it, covering the payment for her. I'll give them the money later.

The car rolls away as Aria notices what happened. She sighs. "Liv, we talked about this."

"I don't care. This one is on me. You already made the effort to come here, it's too much", I counter.

She rolls her eyes. "It was my pleasure." She then turns to my bodyguards. "I'll pay you later."

Brad nods as Landon replies to her: "Whatever you say, Miss Grant." We all know I'm not going to let her do that.

Scoffing once, she takes me by the arm and I lead her inside the palace.


"Did you seriously bring all your plushies?", I ask her. Aria got the room the closest to mine, and she's meanwhile unpacking the bags. One of them happens to be filled with her entire stuffed animal collection.

"I never leave without my babies", she says smiling, holding the plushie of a white cat to her chest. She gives it a kiss on its forehead. "Ain't that right, Ollie?"

I have to chuckle at that and take some time just looking at her. She is wearing a pink sweatshirt with a pair of white pants, some pink Converse with white hearts on them. Her wavy hair is falling freely down her shoulders, two small strands braided at the front. She's wearing a makeup that shows off her freckles, and around her neck are two necklaces. One made of white pearls with a planet, and another silvery thin chain, that has a small "A" hanging from it.

I sink on the bed, letting her take care of her "babies".

"How did you manage to get here anyway? Weren't you supposed to be in class?", I ask her. 

Aria gives me a glare. "Wow, such a warm welcome."

"Don't get me wrong", I quickly add. "I love the fact you're here. But college."

"I talked to the director. He said I'm allowed to take two weeks off. It's fine", she says.

"Aria...", I let out. I don't want her missing classes because of me.

"Livie...", she counters, same tone.

I take a deep breath. She notices. "Seriously, it's fine", she continues. "I was ahead with classes anyway. No biggie." She gently places Ollie on the bed to come next to me and give me a hug. "And besides, I wanted to be here for you. So there is no way you'll send me out of the palace, for I'll do a break-in and find my way back to you."

I roll my eyes amused, yet I hug her a little tighter.

She giggles and as we let go, she goes back to take Ollie in her hands. I have to smirk. "Aren't the other plushies jealous of him?", I ask her.

Her eyes wide open and she gasps. "I love all of them equally."

"Yeah, really?", my eyebrow is raised.

"Really", she doesn't back down, an innocent smile on her face.

"Then why does Ollie get the most attention?", I don't either.

Aria freezes. And doesn't know what to say. It's then she says: "So, since when is Nathan around again?"

Topic change. Fair enough. "Saw him again a few days ago. He helped me after...He helped me that night."

I can feel how my voice will break any moment now. Aria must have seen that, since she changes the topic again. "I'll need a tour of Broix."

I can't help but chuckle, yet I know I simultaneously wipe away a tear from my cheek. "You've seen Broix before", I mutter.

She shakes her head. "Ages ago."

"Two years ago", I correct her.

She only shrugs. "Who's counting? I want to see it again."

I give up if only looking at her excitement. "Alright. But if I show you Broix, you have to come to the party tomorrow night with me."

She shatters once. "What party?"

"A gala. It takes place in the National museum. Mom and Dad are coming. Nathan too. If you'll come too..."

"It won't seem like you two will go all Lover on each other in the next corner", she finishes for me.

I let out a dry laugh. "Pretty much. It's not like we would do it anyway, but I just need to make sure people won't assume it."

Aria comes closer and pats me on the shoulder. "Relax, baby girl. I'll come with you."

"Thanks", I whisper to her.

She only nods and goes back to her luggage, taking the combination of a pastel pink sweater, a white skirt and some white boots from it. "Don't worry about it. It's what friends are for."

I stop a tear before I sit up myself and go change in my room, to get ready for the city tour.

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