Chapter 19

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"Olivia", Stefan says. He's in his study, working on whatever, probably dirty, work he was working on.

I skip the greeting and walk straight up to his desk. I can feel Fred behind me, yet I give him a nod saying he should wait in front of the door. After I took the oath last night, they gave me a new bodyguard. They wanted to fire Landon and Brad for what happened, yet I wouldn't allow it. And it turns out that now as queen-in-waiting, I actually have a say. I called them in the hospital, to see how they're doing. Brad is almost recovered, Landon's injury in his right shoulder still hurts. I told them I'm sorry for everything that happened, they told me it was their fault and that they are sorry. They even asked me if I wanted them to resign.

That's when I said no. I'm not getting any other bodyguards other than them. Fred is only provisory, until the two can come back. They are supposed to arrive in three days, if everything goes well. Brad can start work right away, Landon too, but he can't be active on field work. I hope we won't have to face any anymore.

Which brings me back to where I am. Six hours ago I took the oath that secured me the title as Future Queen. One hour ago the palace got the first draft of an article regarding my newest status sent per fax. Thirty minutes ago the palace approved the article and the news went out. Fifteen minutes ago Karl took me for a talk, begging me for forgiveness and begging me that he can stay with his wife inside the palace. Ten minutes ago I just walked away from my uncle and went to the bank.

A few seconds ago I entered Stefan's study, a suitcase containing 85 million dollars in my hands.

The suitcase I am now tossing on his desk.

"Since your hitman failed to do his job, I thought you'd like your money back", I let out cold, without giving any further introduction.

Stefan looks at me surprised, but mostly surprised to see me alive. It's then he opens the suitcase and gasps. "I don't understand", he plays dumb.

I let out a dry chuckle. "I'm alive... Surprise!"

Although he is still trying to hide it, I can see him swallow hard.

Car. Cliff. Gun.

I take a deep breath. Force the thoughts away. Focus on the now. Focus on him. Focus on the hate growing inside me. "I must say, I'm impressed. A cliff with a beautiful view of the coast. Better than slipping something into my tea at dinner. You keep getting more and more creative. I'll give that to you."

Sighing, I throw myself on the armchair in front of him. He remains standing, staring at me annoyed. He doesn't care to cover the fact anymore he ordered Thomas to kill me. It's only us in the room. And we both know.

"You don't have permission to be in here", he hisses between his teeth. "This is my room."

"Correction, this was your room. Past tense. Not anymore", I tell him, devious smirk on.

"You might be second-in-line, but this palace still belongs to my Father for now. I can have which room I want. Be grateful he allowed you to live here. We all know no one wanted you here."

In. Out. In. Out.

He doesn't know.

He doesn't know the news.

Use it in your advantage.

"I know, right? Poor little me. Having to leave my home and everyone I love to come stay here with you. Such a delight. But, oh, please, Stefan... I really do thank you."

"You're such an ungrateful little-"

"I'd be very careful how I'd finish that sentence if I were you", I hiss at him.

"Or what? What are you going to do?", he yells at me.

I open my mouth to respond, only to be interrupted by someone knocking at the door. Stefan takes a step away from me, coming into his formal position, like the good guy who wouldn't do anything wrong. "Enter", he shouts.

The person makes no sign to open the door.

"Enter", I add.

It's then the handle opens and we can see Fred through the small opening. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have an urgent matter."

I nod and stand up, wanting to walk towards the door. It's then I remember what I actually came here for. "You have fifteen minutes to pack your bags and leave the palace together with Karl and Sierra. I set up the residence in Ward for you. Be grateful. I at least gave you a home."

My bodyguard meets me halfway, probably expecting, as me, the reaction Stefan will have. Namely he starts shouting. "Who the fuck do you think you are? You're just-"

"Your Majesty, your guests are waiting", Fred cuts him short, as if knowing exactly what to say.

And I have no idea if there are actually guests waiting, or if Fred just made them up, but the expression on Stefan's face now is priceless.

"Your Majesty?", he asks, his voice showing nothing but venom.

I don't let it bring me down. "Your Majesty", I reply, my tone showing nothing but confidence. Confidence in those two words that became a part of me. It's then I look straight into my cousin's eyes, his eyes showing rage. A fire burning. Wanting to ravage every piece of me he didn't already burn. What he doesn't know is that I am ice. And that every part of my heart that's left, I've spent the night covering it in layers and layers of ice. Ice so deep and cold, not even fire can melt it down. "Bow in front of your queen."

Stefan looks at me surprised, not knowing what to do. It's clear he doesn't want to. He would rather suffer pain than to have to do this. I don't walk away until I see him bow. He doesn't go all down, but bows with his head, the gesture mostly to mock me.

"Long live the queen", he says sarcastically.

I keep the anger away by clenching my fist.

In. Out. In. Out.

"Fifteen minutes", I say as end of this conversation. "Then you're out."

I walk away before he can protest.

My heart makes a jump knowing that for once, I won. And maybe he has won most of the battles so far, drew blood out of me any time he had the chance, but no matter how many battles he won, he won't win the war.

I'll make sure of it.

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