3 types of pain

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not proof read

y/n pov

i wake up at 6 with just over 3 hours sleep absolutely ready for the day. evans who woke me up throws me over his shoulder to carry me downstairs since i wasnt getting out of bed willingly. 

"your child madam" he says as he places me down infront of lizzie. i just looked up at her with a tired expression and she wrapped her arms around my neck as i wrapped my arms around her waist. 

"good morning sweetheart" she rocks us side to side softly before pulling away and kissing my head going back to her avocado on toast. i walk around the kitchen getting myself a glass of water before sitting on the bench. 

i gently kick my feet as i stare out into the rest of the house slowly sipping my water. but all of a sudden a pillow comes into contact with my head. the shock causes me to fall off the bench and land on one of the stools before falling on the floor. 

i lay groaning on the floor thinking its definitely to early for this. tom who i assumed was the one who hit me rushed over apologizing over and over again saying he didnt think he threw the pillow that hard. 

with tom and lizzies help i sat up before getting lifted into lizzies arms only for her to sit me down on the bench again as tom reapeared with an icepack. i hold it to my side as lizzie went into full mama mode. 

"im fine, just shocked" i said resting my forehead on her shoulder. because of hitting my head when i fell i felt a bit disoriented and my head was throbbing. she put her hands on either side of my head gently holding it close to her chest. 

"i really am sorry y/n" tom apologizes and im guessing its him who puts a hand on my back. i assure him everything is okay and lift my head from lizzies shoulder giving my eyes a minute to readjust to the morning light. 

20 minutes and 2 tablets of panadol later i was in the backseat of scarletts car as evans, hemsworth, holland, scar and i headed to work. the others would join us closer to lunch time.

 scarletts phone instantly connected to the car and the first thing to play through the speakers was into the unknown from frozen. she asked me to change it not wanting to listen to that first thing in the morning but evans quickly snatched the phone off me singing his heart out. tom then joined him and then hemsworth. 

we all looked to scarlett as the bridge was comming up and she just pulled a tight lipped smile making us think she wasnt going to sing but she does. 

so soon enough all the adults are singing disney songs at a red light with the windows down at 8am in the morning. a car pulled up beside us and they go to glare before realising who we were. 

the light goes green before i can see the rest of their reactions and we continue our way to set. 


3rd person pov 

3 hours later

it was just y/n and scarlett doing a scene together and this was one y/n was looking forward to. basically she just got to scream as loud as she can cause shes in pain or whatever. 

"are you ready y/n" the director asks after she takes her final sip of water. 

"trust me i have alot of pent up emotions" she laughed before getting into position. 

some lights flash and things get thrown around before she does it. 

a painful gutwrenching scream rips through the teens throat as she collapses crying only to be saved my scarlett (natasha). loud sobs take over her body as she curls in on herself and scarlett (natasha) does her best to comfort her as the world quite literally falls around them. 

"THIS WAY" a voice actor out of frame shouts and the scene ends. 

"wow i knew you could scream but damn" scarlett said helping the teen up as she wiped her teary eyes with a laugh. 

lizzies pov

"do you guys hear screaming?" i questioned to the others who were on break. 

"no?" rdj shook his head looking around as if focusing to try to hear it. 

"oh its just y/n shes been screaming for a while" chris answered casually before widening his eyes. "JEEZ NOT LIKE THAT" he quickly assured as he saw my shocked expression. "just like she has been doing that scene for a bit and shes screaming from that. they're using the sound proof studio but obviously its not that sound proof" he explained and i nodded slowly. 

a minute later scarjo and y/n walked in laughing about something. "hey mum" she said greeting me in a side hug before absolutely chugging a cold water bottle. 

"hey hun" i smiled back at her. i was about to ask if she had had her lunch break yet but then amelia her tutor came in to get her for "school". her expression imedietly dropped and she waved goodbye following the lady. "has she gone on break yet. or a break where she hasnt then had to go do school work" i asked the others not expecting them to know everything of course but they might. 

"i dont think so. maybe for like 10 minutes" scarlett said grabbing her salad from the fridge. 

y/n pov

i follow amelia into the small office space that was turned into a classroom. i let out a sigh of relief when i saw lexie sitting there bored out of her mind. i was glad i wasnt the only kid on set anymore cause that makes this school set up more awkward. 

"working hard i see" i snickered taking a seat next to her on the couch chair. she rolled her eyes leaning her elbows on the white whiteboard desk infront of us. 

amelia one of the tutors hands me my packet for the day and i widen my eyes flipping through it. "do you need me to explain anything?" she asked lingering infront of our table. 

i shook my head with a smile beginning to get to work. 

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