the beginning of a wonderful weekend

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tw yelling and physical abuse, insults etc , talk of neglect 

y/n pov

3 sessions later its the last break of the day it was quiet until i get a thought. my parents will be home the second i walk in the door. shit.

i dont even want to think about what will happen when i get home weather i get yelled at or worse. i shiver at the thought staring at the wall infront of me. 

"you good y/n/n?" dahlia laughs questioning 

"hm?" i look over at dahlia

"are you okay, your a bit pale" she raises as had to the actors forehead seeing if she was sick

"oh im fine" y/n says as dahlia brings her hand back down 

"if ya say so" dahlia smiles. we spend the rest of the break mostly in silence as i think and dahlia eats her lunch. the bell goes and everyone begins moving to their next class

"oh we have drama next don't we" i ask dahlia thinks for a second squinting her eyes before nodding. 

"i can annoy ms now" i laugh 

we head to class and the doors were already open as students filled into the pac. unfortunately this was the last class of the day meaning it was almost home time. 

"so you guys know how i like marvel right" the teacher questions "and i basically force all of you guys to watch marvel" she adds which was kinda true at the end of the term she always suggested we watched marvel movies. iron man 2 and civil war a lot. the class nods

"well this is JUST a coincidence i promise butttt basically for your assessment you get scenes to learn and preform in pairs so duologues and like half of them are marvel scenes." the teacher says. 

this assessment sounds brilliant.

drama keeps my mind off the end of the day. well at least until the bell goes 

time skip until she gets home. 

standing just in front of my front door i see the car parked in the driveway and people in the house. i take a deep breath opening the door. 

just my luck my parents were on the other side. 

"lila go to your room please" my dad says crossing his arms as they face me. lila walks up the stairs backwards flipping me off and pulling faces. before they ask me about my day or give me the chance to ask about theirs my mother starts yelling at me 

"you fucking useless bastard" she rolls her eyes "sending stuff to your little sister really?! disgusting and rude messages all throughout the holiday. YOU RUINED A PERFECT FAMILY HOLIDAY" 

"there was a fucking reason you wernt invited because you ruin everything got that" my dad says picking me up by my shirt pushing me against the door. "you are such an inconvenience to me and your mother" 

"god i wish i gave you up as a baby youve ruined my life and my body" my mum insults. 

"WHAT YOU JUST GONNA STAND THERE AND TAKE THIS" my dad slaps my face hard making my head fall to the other side. 

"ANSWER US BITCH" my mother slams her knee into me 

"what do you want me to say to you!" i say in the same tone instantly regretting it.

3rd person pov

her dad lets call him mike, grabs a fist full off y/n's hair dragging the teen to the basement. 

"you." he laughs angrily "your a useless disrespectful and spoilt brat" mike states kicking y/n

"we are gonna have fun" her mother Angela laughs coming down the stairs with some different items including a KITCHEN KNIFE. y/ns eyes widened and she subconsciously backed away but mikes grip on her hair makes it harder to move as it gets more painful.

her parents kept insulting her and using anything to inflict pain on their daughter. at first y/n wouldnt give them the satisfaction of making her cry until she got tazed. 

that was a new type of pain. 

she was beaten senseless to the point where y/n passed out from the unbearable pain. 

lilas pov

i herd y/n scream a couple times and it sounded bad. maybe the messages were a bit excessive . no i still didn't like her. mum and dad are my parents not hers.

spider on the walls pov

ill spare you some details but that night y/n endured pain no child should have to experience let alone a human being. her parents mocked and hit her. it was hard to watch. she broke and bleed but i could do nothing but narrate.

 ive stuck in the shadows watching y/n grow up. her mother tried to kill me but y/n rescued me letting me outside. from then on i watched as the young child began to get neglected by her parents more and more, holidays without her, birthdays simply forgotten.  

it was sad to watch as y/n was such a sweet girl. ive spun webs and laid eggs in her parents shoes a couple times when they took something to far and let me tell you it will be bad this time. her parents left the basement as y/n still laid unconscious on the floor

i had a hard time perceiving time but maybe 10 minutes later y/n began to stir. she opened her eyes as tears sat clouding her vision. she would be in great pain right now. 

the basement door slams open and mike walks back down with brass knuckles and a beer in hand. this isnt going to end well. 


a wonderful weekend part 1 how great 

uh im going away all holidays next week so there is like no service i dont think so ill try to post alot this week bc i can ton the holidays 

hot people have piles of clothes on the floor

is your room always messy or clean

teen on set  ~  marvel cast Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon