just the two of us

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not proof read 😍

y/n pov
we all split off into little groups deciding to do what we felt until we all met up for lunch at this restaurant here.

dahlia and i we're about to run off by ourselves before both our mothers stopped us.

"ah not so fast you two" dahlias mum started.

"don't talk to strangers, especially the paparazzi"

"stay together at all times or we will be going with you"

"don't go crazy with what you buy you will have to carry it around all day"

"if something happens call us and we will come to you"

they went back and forth and it was kind of interesting. i've never had one of these talks before.

my birth beast never cared about my safety as i grew up and when i was little i was always with my family anyway.

"we will mum, i promise" dahlia agreed taking my hand.
i nodded and lizzie kissed my head telling me to be safe before leaving.

"i'm buying you some clothes cause how can i steal from you if all your clothes are not even yours" dahlia said

"where's the fun in that" i said almost offended. she rolled her eyes wrapping an arm over my shoulders. i hate how she's taller than me now. before i left i was the tiniest bit taller than her and it was hilarious but now she's atleast a foreheads size taller.

"can't i spoil you cara mia" she whispered in my ear as we entered the first shop.


"no i am not spending 50 dollars on jeans" i shook my head looking at the price tag. the most i would spend on one piece of clothing is probably 20 bucks.

"i know your not, i am" dahlia said grabbing the jeans i had put down.

"dahlia it's too much" i shook my head.

"consider it a late birthday present" she shrugged with a smirk.

"you gave me a birthday present" i reminded her but she just said she didn't know what i was talking about.

i had about 6 things to try on. 2 of which dahlia said she just wanted to see me wear.

we both walked into the one change room as i didn't want to have to open the door every time and it's jsut so awkward.

so dahlia sat down on the bench as i got changed. she didn't make me feel uncomfortable or anything. what did however was the other person in the changing rooms blowing their nose every two seconds. the sound just grosses me out.

"happy" i said as i showed dahlia the outfit. she smirked and nodded.

"looks good daring" she said and as i staring at her face in the mirror. it went like that and i tried on the last couple things. "so what are we gettin" dahlia questioned as we walked out of the stall getting a weird look from a 50year old man.

i showed dahlia the ones i wanted but insisted i was paying for them. she shook her head kissed my forehead and payed before i realised.

in the next shop we got matching hoodies which i managed to pay for. i had never been one to like shopping but with dahlia it was fun.

we didn't really buy anything else just browsing and looking around. we decided to go into kmart for the fun of it but as we were walking there i started to hear flashes.

i turned around and saw a mob of paparazzi forming. shoot me. dahlia squeezed my hand knowing how much i hated them and we quickly walked inside the store. luckily the security at the front stopped them from coming in. but i'm sure they got good shots.

i paused in an isle and pulled out my phone to text the cast group chat.

paps are here btw
not harassing one's tho

you girls okay

yeah we're fine

thanks for telling us

i'm getting hungry we should meet back up for lunch

i agrée

the reservation isn't for another half an hour

you just love to torture me

you know it

dahlias pov
y/n turned her phone off and we walked around almost every isle. we found ourselves in the kids toys section and this shit is so entertaining.

y/n was pressing like every button but ran when she set off a toy that made a noise. "i never had any of this as a kid" she said trailing her fingers over some of the toys. "just hand me down spider-man dolls and hot wheels"

"my brother and i shared everything cause we were only a year apart. there is several photos of us playing with barbies and captain america dolls" i added and y/n hummed.

"when we hung out with the twins and that for camping. they had barbies. always naked tho" we laughed and continued walking through the store hand in hand. we came to the bikes and i got a hilarious video of y/n riding the smallest one there.

y/n pov
it was now time to meet for lunch and it was this vietnamese place. for a 12:30 reservation. the restaurant had pushed together 3 tables for the group.

dahlia and i just arrived there and lizzie pulled me into a side hug probably concerned about the paparazzi harassing me when she wasn't there.

we all got seated and i was between dahlia and lizzie. tom and zendaya sat across from me and i started to realise just how big this group was. cause before we were spread out over a house but now we're all at one table.

"so what are you getting"

my obsession with billie eilish has grown to an unhealthy amount rn.

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