villains are hot

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"lights normal, we dont need anything done with the curtains, only a chair" i answered the 'stage crews' questions as dahlia and i prepared for our performance. 

right now i was chugging water so i didnt have to cough during the performance it was only a couple minutes so i should be fine. what was annoying tho was i kept getting hot and cold flashes so i cant decide whether to keep my jumper on or not. 

"3...2..1" ms begins the recording and everyone goes quiet. 


"is this love agent romanoff" i smirked at dahlia an evil glint in my eye

"love is for children, i owe him a debt" dahlia said coldly. 

"tell me" i said walking back sitting on the drama block we had out for lokis bench. 

"before i worked for shield i uh. well i made a name for myself. i have a very specific skillset, i didnt care who i used it for or on" dahlia said taking a seat herself. her voice huskier than normal is that a word. i looked at her through my eyebrows a subtle grin on my face.

"i got on shields radar in a bad way, agent barton was sent to kill me. he made a different call"

"and what would you do if i vowed to spare him" we continued our scene perfectly not fuck ups no weird pronunciations. it was going well. it was easy as we know this movie inside and out. 

"can you... can you wipe out that much red" i said acting like i cared. "dreykovs daughter, sau paulo, the hospial fire. barton told me everything. your ledger is dripping-"

scarletts pov

it was 9:40am and evans lizzie and i were on our way to pick up y/n. imagine having that much dedication to go to school. that could never be me as a child. as we walked we all goofed around making it up to the admin office where we could sign y/n out. 

we got some looks from passing kids. but didnt react as we got to the office and lizzie talked to the lady. realistically we cant sign her out without parents telling the school before hand as we aren't on the emergency contact list however with the right forms from set we can kidnap our teen. 

the lady gives us directions to the performing arts centre where lizzie said her and dahlia were doing the performance, opening the back door quietly so no one noticed we stood in the back as we watched the girls perform. 

"- dripping its gushing red and you think saving a man no more virtuous than yourself will change anything?" y/n laughed out a breath clearly having fun with playing a villain.  "this is the basest sentimentality, this is a child at prayer. PATHETIC. you lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. you pretend to be separate to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors, but they are apart of you and they will never. go. away." 

y/n bends down so her head is level with dahlias as she sat on the chair. saying the next words in her ear. "i wont touch barton, not until i make him kill you slowly, intimately in every way he knows you fear. and then he'll wake just long enough to see his good work and when he screams ILL SPLIT HIS SKULL" she finished stepping away and making a show of the words. 

"this is my bargain you mewling quim" chills literal chills. 

"your a monster" dahlia spat out hurtfully

"no, you brought the monster" y/n laughed with pure evil before her facial expression dropped at her next words.

"so, banner thats your play?" .............................................. "thank you for your cooperation". dahlia finished and the class erupted into claps and chatter. y/n zones back in something i noticed she does when acting. they laugh as they bow bringing in eachother for a hug. however y/n started coughing all that talking from the paragraph not good. dahlia rushed to grab her water getting y/n to drink. cute couple. 

after that the class stops clapping and hears chris's very loud claps down the back. the class turns around jaws dropping open. y/n looks at us briefly before grabbing her things and trying to get off the stage. but so many kids were asking questions or congratulating them both on the performance.

instead of her having to make it here we walk up to her waving at the other classmates. "impressive performance ladies" i smiled as they blushed. chris brings y/n into a headlock before lizzie could scold him because she was sick. liz gets her daughter out of his hold bringing her into a hug. 

"y/n, first anthony now these three. are you sure you're not in a marvel movie" the teacher inquired in a whisper so only we could hear. y/n shrugs having to supress a small smirk. lizzie still had an arm around her shoulders pulling her in close. 

some kids get a photo as y/n packs the rest of her stuff up getting changed. she walked back out going over to dahlia. the teen lays her head on the girls shoulder obviously tired. the adrenaline from acting wearing off. dahlia wraps an arm around her rubbing y/ns back. lizzie noticed and walked over to the pair. 

after one last photo with a kid named jenna i grab evans by the ear, who was messing with students and walk over to the girls. "ready to go we have a plane to catch" i smile as chris takes y/ns things so she doesn't have to carry them.

y/n pov

i finish my performance and notice the 3 adults down the back. great. if no one wasnt convinced im in a marvel movie they sure are now. i grab my stuff talking to everyone for a bit before leaving to get changed. it hits me like a truck. the tiredness the nausa the hot and cold flashes. the acting gave me something to focus on but now nothing. 

i got changed falling into the wall a couple times trying to get my pants back on. after getting changed i splashed cold water in my face hoping when lizzie felt my forehead, because we know she will check, that its not that hot. 

i rubbed my eye walking back out to dahlia who i saw first. i laid my head on her shoulder and she wrapped her arm around my back rubbing up and down. "dahls" i whispered

"y/n/n" she whispered back wrapping her arms around me tighter. 

"ask your parents when i can fly you out to atlanta, ill fly you all out if they want to come. im not going 2 months without you" 

"of course, ill ask them i dont think we have anything planned but i cant let you pay for the 4 of us". i huffed and wrapped my arms around her waist loosely the class to focused on scar, lizzie and evans to notice us. this is why i dont have many friends im somewhere for a couple months then in a completly different state or country for the next. i make a friend then when i come back they have other friends and dont talk to me. its fine really. just. yeah. but i dont think dahlia is like that. shes different. 

"your hot as a villain by the way, and lizzies coming over" she whispered kissing my forehead she had to say that right now. i kept my face in her shoulder as i blushed i could tell she could feel my warm cheeks but hoped she thought it was from me being sick. i also hoped the 3 adults didnt see the interaction as i would never hear the end off it but when i looked up i saw lizzie and smiled but scar and evans were in the background smirks on their faces as he handed her 50 bucks meaning they saw the interaction. and made a bet?

"hey girls, lovely performance" lizzie complimented and i smiled standing up from leaning on dahlia. 

"it was all y/n she came up with the blocking and shit-tuff" dahlia corrected and i laughed. lizzie wasn't to bothered about swearing as long as it isnt at someone. 

" bullshit" i whispered. causing scar to laugh as they caught up to us. 

"either way you were great, but we have a plane to catch" scar said as chris offered to take my bag. i let him grab it, hugging dahlia one last time before grabbing lizzies hand and waving goodbye. 

once we got in the car the others were in the front as lizzie and i were in the back. "hey sweetheart, how you feeling" 


IM BACK been a while 2 weeks i think. anygay heres this its pretty sexy. 

and OML wednesday....JENNA ORTAGA.....dammnnnnnnn

ngl makes me wanna get back into cello

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