awkward mornings

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time skip its the next morning

lizzies pov

i walk onto set at 8am again just wanting to be back in bed when i spot scarlett with rose on her hip and coffee in her other hand. i lock eyes with the little one and she starts squirming in her mothers arms scarlett was confused at first but saw me and put the child down. rose runs to me and i scoop her up in my arms. yelling auntie lizzieeee over and over. it was adorable. i kiss her cheeks squeezing the 7 year old in a hug. now i hold rose on my hip shes 7 so she doesnt need to be carried but why not. i walk over to scarlett who also has a smile on her face

"morning mama scar" i smirk teasing her like everyone did when her kids were here

"morning lizzie" she rolls her eyes "is y/n working today i want her to meet rose?" she asks

"uh she should be here, must be running late" i say not seeing her around "shes here for the full day today" i add

"ah okay" she nods robert comes out of hair and makeup and sees us

"rose bud hello" he grins taking her out of my arms "morning ladies"

"your funny uncle rob" rose giggles flopping backwards hanging over his arm 

"is that so" he asks holding her by her feet ticking the childs stomach. her laugh is the purest thing. 

"hun can you stay with your uncle for a bit while mama goes and gets ready?" scarlett asks also looking up at robert to make sure it was okay with him he nods. rose agrees and they walk off to go find waffles.

"lets go shall we" i smile holding out my hand she takes it and we walk over to get our costumes on before  hair and makeup  

"we have the party scene today dont we"

"mhm i think so" the 4 of us (including makeup artists) talk for a while while our looks get finished up.

around 40 minutes later we leave with about 10 minutes until filming and still no sign of y/n. evens comes up to us

"hey you guys seen y/n the crew need her soon" he says pointing behind him we shake out heads

"maybe we could check her trailer" i shrug, they agree and we walk over, for like the 5th time this week we see chris hemsworth eating chicken on his doorstep at 8am in the morning. knocking twice on the door there was no answer. we knock again. still no response. 

the 3 of us exchange a look of confusion and concern. before scarlett tries the handle. to all our surprise it opens. she really needs to learn to lock the door. walking in we see a plate with bread crumbs on it a empty glass next to it. walking carefully through the room we get to the bedroom part. peering in we see a figure curled up in the sheets. did y/n sleep here last night. i mean it makes sense since she had a later shoot but it was only till like 8 or something. dont ask how i know her schedule. 

chris says he will go tell the crew we found her. and scarlett leaves to find rose before they start filming. i walk closer over to the bed. i hear shuffling but y/n didnt move thats when i notice someone was still on call with her. by the looks or the dark hair it could be dahlia. i mute it not wanting to disturb the other person and focus back on y/n 

gently brushing the hair out of her face i try to wake her softly rubbing her arm. "y/n sweetheart wake up" i coo softly she shifts but doesnt wake up

"y/n come on you need to get up hun" i say rubbing my thumb over her cheeks, she rolls over onto her back twisting the covers 

"y/n/n come on" i say pulling a cover back she groans 

"no its cold" she says not opening her eyes and blindly attempting to pull the blanket back over her 

"youve got 10 minutes until we start filming you need to get up i say pulling the cover off completely 

"mum sto-" she stops her self completely widening her eyes "ill go get ready bye lizzie" she says rushing out of bed. i smile to myself knowing she was just hazy from waking up, it must've been awkward for her tho. 

i pull the covers back up since i was the one who messed up and leave the room to see y/n brushing her teeth through the bathroom. "your still on call with someone by the way" i say and she realises instantly 

"oh shit yeah dahlia" she spits the toothpaste and goes back to her room

"were you guys on call all night?" i ask 

"yeah like 12 hour facetime" she smiles as we walk out back to the studios 

"you guys have bonded quickly then you only met 2 days ago" i remind her, and she realises the same thing 

"oh yeah, it seems like we've known eachother for ages" 


i will keep saying it this book is so easy to write ive wrote this in like 30 minutes

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