no good nick.

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not proof read

y/n pov

i opened messages typing and retyping what to say. i cant just be like 'hey i lived and everythings a okay' like no. 

my love <3


*incomming call from my love <3*

"please be you" dahlia said and i could tell she was about to cry. in a different situation i would want a photo but right now i felt bad. 

"its me dahls, im okay" i whispered holding my hand up to my mouth. 

"i know your not okay mi amor but im glad your alive" i knew she was smiling. 

i told her i was sorry for her having to watch what happened on the face time and other things but eventually the boys and scarlett said they were leaving to pick up the food so i told dahlia id talk to her later as i needed to talk to lizzie. 

"im sorry" lizzie started 

"what? no why are you sorry, im sorry" i asked genuinely confused.

"i left you home alone, even when you got the text from your parents and i knew what they we're like, so for that y/n im sorry" she explained i tried to sit up to look at her but my body wasnt letting me so lizzie sat up pushing me up and helping me to turn and face her. 

"its not your fault lizzie. we both didnt think they were actually coming plus it was my choice to stay home" she held my hands rubbing her thumbs over my knuckles once again silent tears were streaming down her face. but she still had her famous comforting smile. 

"um how are you feeling hows your broken limbs" she changes the subject back to me while wiping her tears. 

"its not that bad" i lied. my arm was throbbing and my shoulder was in so much pain, i couldnt feel my foot and all over felt like i had been run over by a bus. let alone the pain in my head. the bright lights doing nothing to help it. but i wasnt going to say that. theres no reason to. 

"y'know for an actor your really bad at lying" she shook her head with a smile. but i could tell she was beating herself up about what happened to me. even if it is in no way her fault "i was so scared when you didnt know who we were, but it wouldnt compare to how scared you must have been waking up here" 

"seeing rdj first thing after that definitely is scary" i tried to lighten the mood " i didnt remember what happened. i didnt know anything. but... i still felt safe around you. like my body knew you were safe" she smiled and we discussed a couple things but mainly focused on the tv. soon enough though the others walked in with bags of macdonalds. thank fuck. 

timeskip 3 hours 

the others had gone home since visiting hours ended, lizzie without a second thought stayed even tho i told her to get a good nights sleep but we both knew i wanted and needed her there. "i love you mama" i whispered against her chest as i laid on her. 

"i love you too baby, your safe now. i got you." she assured me. 

lizzies pov

i had her back. y/n was safe and she was okay. for the most part at least. but im scared shes shutting it all down again. she barely processed it last time until i guided her to and i dont want her to be stuck in her mind, i have to keep her talking. even if it takes time. 

she kept complaining about her arm and it being on a weird angle and being sore. i wanted to get a nurse to check it but i knew it was supposed to feel like that, they told me what to expect from her. 

i was gently holding her because i was just so scared to hurt her more than she already was. before we could even relax a bit more there was police knocking on the door. "afternoon ladies" a male officer, a female officer, and y/ns social worker walked in. they sat on the chairs across from the bed as i felt y/n tense up. she turned her head away from them and i could see the tears building in her eyes. 

"hi what brings you here" i said with a small smile. i knew why they were here but i just want them to leave. 

"we need to talk to y/n about recent events and talk to you miss olsen about going forth with adopting y/n. if that still is the plan" really. this all wasnt over to what this morning and their already here for questioning. cant they let my poor child breathe. 

"can this wait till tomorrow, sir i understand you need the details but this is all very fresh. it was still happening what 6 hours ago" i argued back. 

"i dont want to talk about it yet" y/n whispered so only i could hear as she grabbed my hand with her good hand playing with my rings. 

"we're really busy. we were in the area could just get it done" he tried " look we're here now so why cant we talk now" "actually we weren't scheduled to come round until 11am tomorrow, but no good nick here wanted to get this over and done with cause it was a waste of time" the female officer said back in the guys face. im getting the feeling these two used to date. 

but honestly im offended the guy called my daughters case a waste of time. they argued for a couple more minutes and the social worker who was actually very nice looked at me with the same look i had on. 

"sorry, i. was. out. of. line. we. will. come. back. tomorrow. 11am. sharp" he said through gritted teeth. why are all the male police officers doing their job but being annoying about it. i just wish we didnt have to go through this. but id do it for her.

the police officers left and the social worker asked to chat for a minute. y/n had fallen asleep so we were whispering but she asked about signing her up for therapy. 


it took like an hour to post this cause i kept getting sidetracked. safe to say all my friends have been turned into the opposite gender and made old because of that app. 

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