prove it

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"You excited to see Bella?" I said to a horse who wouldn't reply, Nellie. He snorted in response to Ziggy sniffing the side of his face, the other horse I needed. I dragged them both into the yard and held them, watching Bella run up to the yard tying their hair up at the same time. They jumped over the fence and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and a smile,


"Mhm!" They grinned. Over 2 and a bit months I'd taught them more than trot and they had gotten a lot more comfortable with everything. once a week when they got off early on set they would come to where we kept the horses and we'd go on a trail ride. They had learnt to canter, and I had loved watching them grow more confident. I loved to hear their giggles through the wind as we rode, dirt dusting up behind us. They jumped up onto Nellie's back and were so eager to go off, we started walking towards the trail we normally went on,

"RACE!" Bella yelled as them and Nellie blasted off into the distance. "NOO!" I sarcastically shouted, sending Ziggy right after them, our laughs travelling around the trees and up their trunks, through the wind. I felt Ziggy's hooves trampling on the dirt ground under us, I caught up to Bella as we both started to canter through the wooded yards in unison.

Our giggles died down, as we started to walk and talk about filming and work. Boring stuff. We rode around for about an hour until the insides of our thighs ached and our cores burned. We cantered the horses back to the yard and swung ourselves over and down. We walked Ziggy and Nellie back to their stalls, I took off their tack while I let them eat before we had to go in half an hour. I took off their saddles and walked them out to the trailer, hanging them on the hooks and securing them so they didn't fall off during the drive back home. I took the bridles and hung them in the front of the truck, near the drivers' seats. I found Bella slumped on the chair in a small used to be stable stall that was now used as a room, barely. A small dirty couch, a chair and one desk with nothing on it. Bella say on the chair with their eyes closed, their hair falling on the back of the chair as they let out a sigh

"So tired" they said
"Hm, you can have a nap in the car" I said tousling their hair as I passed them to sit on the couch
"No wait come back" they groaned
"You come here, it's more comfy"
They pushed themselves out of the chair and sat on the couch as it squeaked. They groaned with an airy "mmh" and lay down with their head on my thighs. Butterflies swarmed my stomach and it felt like they went down into my legs where they were lying. I cracked a smile that they couldn't see and put my hand on their head, running my hands through it, twirling and twisting it
They sighed "That feels nice", they then yawned and put their hand on my thigh, holding it tight while their eyelids fluttered closed. "I love you" I thought. I scolded myself for thinking and not saying, I couldn't say. Now wasn't the time to say.
"You okay?" Bella's voice snapped me out of thinking
"Yeah I'm okay"
They sat up and put one leg on the couch and looked at me with worry
"You sure baby?"
My eyes widened with excitement of the word. Baby.
"Yeah" I managed to spit out
They put their hand on my face and pushed my hair behind my ear. They moved closer to me so my legs were touching theirs. They were wearing grey shorts and an oversized t shirt, so their skin was touching mine. They smiled at me and their eyes squinted behind their glasses,
"You're so cute" I groaned, in an annoyed but sarcastic voice
"Oh shut up" They scoffed
"Mhhmmmmm you know you are" I crossed my arms
"Well," they rolled their eyes and leaned back into the arm rest of the couch, "you have to prove it" they shrugged
"Huh?" I started to get confused on the game they were playing with me
"You gotta prove it"
"Prove what"
"That you think I'm soooo cute"
I pulled a confused face, I don't know what they wanted from me or what they were trying to get, "I do think you're cute-"
They smiled, "So come over here and prove it" they giggled
"Ohhhhh. Okay well come here if you want a kiss"
"Nope you gotta come here"
"Sit up then" I laughed
They crossed their arms "Nuh uh"
I inched myself over to where they were practically lied down on the couch. I crawled in front of them, almost on top of them.
"Do I still have to prove it?
"Yup" they looked at me proudly
I placed my hands on the sides of them. They stared at me, then started looking around the room like they knew nothing about what was happening.
I put my hand on their face and turned it towards mine, bringing my face closer and kissing them, their nose brushing against above my lip.
"Done?" I joked
"Mmm not yet"  They grabbed my face and pulled me closer, faster and more sudden than i expected. I practically fell onto them as they took my lips in theirs. As my stomach swarmed with butterflies because of their kiss, I tried to get myself back up off of them. They still held the kiss close, kept kissing as I tried to make it unnoticeable as I finally picked myself back up off them. I kept my mouth on theirs, confused. This type of thing had never happened to me before. Had this happened to them? Had they kissed someone like this before? It definitely felt like they had. I held my breath as they kept going, and I gave in. I gave in awhile ago. I felt the words bubbling up inside me, ready to burst out of my mouth and into theirs and hoping to hear the same thing back.  I thought about pulling away and saying it but I didn't want to. Just as their hands started cupping the sides of my neck, pulling me even closer, I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I jumped up and off, flinging myself over to the other end of the couch and patting my hair down, tucking it behind my ears. I looked up to see Bella, grinning proudly as I heard a knock on the door,
"Mmh?" Bella said
"Ready to go?" I heard Xavier's voice
"Yup, c'mon Mara" they slapped my thigh and stood up, walking out towards the truck
"You heard what they said come on" Xavier said
"Okay" I got up and started to walk past him
"Hold on-" he trailed after me, "were you tw-"
"Shut up, start the truck"
"Guess I'm gonna be the one driving for that"
I smiled at him in a way he knew meant 'you're a dick, but you're my friend' "Yep"

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