can we kiss now?

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I woke up with tired eyes to a blaring alarm. I turned the beeping of my phone off and my eyes passed the date of today, and I opened my covered with a smile knowing Bella was coming back this afternoon. I was instantly awake with excitement, and I grabbed my phone and texted Jackie, 

'I gotta be off today at like 2 cause I gotta pick someone up at the airport' I typed out with a smile. I sprung my legs off my bed, and walked into my bathroom and washed my face. I chewed down on a plain piece of buttered toast while pulling my jodhpurs on in the kitchen, stumbling into my fridge. I threw on a tight t-shirt over a lace black bralette that wasnt gonna support anything while I was at work. Are we gonna talk about it? No. Was it for who was gonna walk through arrivals at the airport at 3pm this afternoon? Mind your business. I swiped my car keys off the table and picked up my boots. I closed the door and trudged down the apartment block stairs with a plastered smile of excitement. I got in my car and drove to work, nothing but scenarios with Bella flooding through my head. I couldn't wait until this afternoon, I had a mental timer counting down the long 6 hours I had until I saw them. I sighed at the thought of 6 hours as I cranked the gear stick. I slung my shoes in the back of my car, knocking CD's over, and I slipped on my boots and slammed my door closed. I tramped through the squishy mud and grass, re-tying my hair. 

I passed Jackie's office and waved, she gave back a nod and a gesture towards her phone which means she got my message. I walked to the tack room with my hands squeezed together to try suppress the feeling of wanting to squeal in excitement. I picked up a horses tack, I liked to do it at random, and looked at the name on the bridle, 'Bambi'. I smiled in even more excitement remembering how sweet of a horse she is. I picked up a saddle and walked towards her stall, she nodded her head to seeing me walk towards her and open the door. I tacked her up and through the reigns over her head, leading her out of her stall and going to the open field we had. I did some jumping, basic work. But my mind was distracted and I kept checking the time over and over and over again, hoping it would be time to leave.

 9:30. 4 and a half more hours. I groaned and swung my leg over Bambi and led her back to the stall. I untacked her and put a halter on her, hoping washing her would waste more time and make it go faster. I washed her and then washed Fargo, Monty, Splash. By the time I had killed time and braided an unfathomable amount of horse tails, I had 2 hours to go until I had to leave. I really really really wanted to leave. I had packed a pair of spare clothes in my car and makeup so I looked nice when I saw Bella and I didn't smell like horse. I did some charting work for Jackie. Vet appointments, lesson organising, charting with horses were going to set next. I smile grew on my face as I saw I was put on the schedule for Monday to Friday next week for going to set. I squeezed my hands together again at the thought of Bella, knowing they were in the air right now, so close to being here. 

1:30pm now. I was too ready to go. I was sat in Jackie's office on the couch that was covered with hay and I was holding my own hands to stop them from shaking. I was staring at the ground, bouncing my legs and looking up at the clock from time to time. Jackie was speaking but I sure as hell wasn't listening to what she was saying. I glanced up at the clock again, 1:37pm. I leaned back on the couch and suppressed a sigh. I heard Jackie laughing at me,

"You're picking up Bella aren't you?"

"Hm?" My mind snapped back to reality 

"You're picking up Bella. You're distracted and you keep checking the time" She smiled

"I'm sorry I just-"

"You can go early if you want"

I jumped up "REALLY?"

"Yeah- Go. I'll see you Monday" She grinned 

"THANK YOU" I yelled running off down to my car. My legs turned into jelly as I ran and I felt like I could scream and squeal at the top of my lungs. I jumped into my car and took my dirty jodhpurs and boots off and threw them into the back. I pulled on short bike shorts and a cream coloured plaid skirt and slipped on platform sneakers with a big blue knitted sweater. I looked down at myself and brushed the sweater off, 'pff, cute outfit, good bra, we're all set' I thought as a turned the car on. I texted Bella even though I knew they wouldn't see it in the air, 'IM COMING TO GET U BABYYY' I smiled typing out. I wanted to speed to the airport and get there as soon as possible. I weaved my way through as many cars as I could and went as fast as I legally could. My phone buzzed and I picked out up at a red light,

                                                                                   bella :)

bella :)

DARLING! Plane landed early :) I'm waiting for you


                                                                         OH GOSH OKAY im like 10 minutes away

bella :)

YAY OK I'm so excited to see you 

I slammed my car door shut and shoved my keys in my sweater pocket, I tried to walk calmly to the arrivals entrance. I walked in and walked into the middle, my eyes scanning for a short brunette haired person dressed in probably something a 12 year old boy  would wear. My eyes squinted and I turned around until I spotted them, they were looking around for me, eyes wide and wandering through black rimmed glasses. We caught each others eyes and they smiled walking towards me. I didn't take a moment to hesitate, I ran up to them arms open and with a big beaming smile. They let go of the bag they were holding and I jumped into their arms. I was suddenly filled with warmth, my mind was no longer occupied by counting hours and minute. I felt their arms wrap around me and hold me, I put my head in their neck, 'I missed you', I said with a smile in my voice. My hands still clutching myself in their neck, I felt my frame relax into their arms. I kissed them on the neck, something no one would see. They pulled me away from them with a smile on their face, they brought their hand up and cupped my face, moving a strand of hair. 

"Can we kiss now?" They said 

"Yes" I said with desperation 

They brought their face closer to mine and pressed their soft lips against mine. Their hands went around my waist and I held their arms tight. They pulled away from me with a smile, 

"Let's go home and take that photo huh?"


short chapter I know im sorry and kiss photo is coming next chapter I PROMISE PLEASE IMSORRY I LOVE U OKAY 

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