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The steam from the pot flooded my face as the sauce sizzled in the pan 

I took the pot and pan off the stove, tipping the boiling water and pasta through a drainer over the sink, then putting the pasta back into the pot. I mixed the sauce in, and added a few final seasoning. Dinner was just about done as I pulled basil leaves from the stem and there them into the lentil 'meat'. I had thought to make vegan bolognese based off of one time Bella said they liked bolognese. And lentils were good for  anything as a substitute of meat, I just crowded the pan with sauce so it didn't taste like just lentils. I tried to make it look nice, like I was okay at cooking. I walked out of the kitchen and placed the bowls of pasta in front of a distracted Bella. I had put her in front of the tv and made her watch Knives Out so she wouldn't come and see what I was cooking, I wanted it to be a surprise even though what I was cooking wasn't that impressive. Their gaze from the screen stopped as they changed their face from a focused, furrowed brow to wide eyes and a smile. The bowls clacked down on the table that I had put in front of the tv. 

"BOLOGNESE" they exclaimed

"I made it with lentils, so I hope it doesn't taste too.. lentil-y"

"No, its so good" they said, spooning the pasta into their mouth, I laughed.

We sat, watching Knives Out and scooping pasta into our mouths. I noticed them a couple times, looking over at me, the light from the tv hitting the side of her face. I pretended I didn't see. The movie ended, and I took our plates to the kitchen as they trailed behind me, following me to the kitchen. I put the dishes in the washer, and started to rinse and clean the pans in the sink before I felt a finger slip through the belt loop of my pants, pulling me away from the sink, my stomach was immediately swarmed with butterflies

"You cooked, I'll clean" They said, rolling up their sleeves after pressing their hand on my lower back to try to get me leave the room 

"No way I'm not done yet," I opened the fridge and cabinets, pulling out dates, chocolate and peanut butter, "I'm making you desert" I said putting the ingredients down on the table. I started cutting the dates down the middle, getting the seed out and spooning peanut butter into the little hole where the seed was and closed the date again. I did that with the whole box of dates. I cut up the chocolate and put it in a bowl, then into the microwave. 

"Does vegan chocolate melt weird?"

"Depends which kind" They said, blowing a strand of hair out of their face and shaking their head 

"Hm, I got one made with oat milk, will that melt weird?"

"No," They blew their hair out of their face again, "That'll melt normal"

I went over to where they were standing, and slipped their hair tie off their wrist. I stood behind them and pulled their hair back into a pony tail, running my fingers through it. I looped the hair tie over their hair. 

"Thank you" They said, un-breaking eye contact with the pan they were washing 

The microwave beeped for me to open it, I took the bowl of now melted chocolate out , placing it next to the cutting board filled with dates. I put the dates into the bowl of chocolate, coating all the dates evenly and then putting them on a plate with baking paper over it. I put them in the freezer, and wiped down the bench, putting the ingredients back.

"Wanna lick the bowl?" I handed the bowl to Bella as they dried their hands, sitting down at the stool next to the dinner table. Within a second all the reminisce of the melted chocolate was gone, and they had a dots of chocolate on their cheeks and their nose. I wiped the bits of chocolate off with my thumb and laughed. I wiped the last bit off and was about to walk away to put the bowl in the dishwasher, but Bella had stopped me, grabbing my sweater so I couldn't walk away. My cheeks turned bright red, as they looked up at me with a sweet smile. 

"Hi" I said softly 

"Hello" They said back, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer. I smiled hard as our faces almost touched. I went with instinct and planted a kiss on their lips, I felt their mouth curl into a smile as we kissed, their lips were tinged with the flavour of chocolate. My stomach erupted into swirls and twists of butterflies as I felt their hand on my waist. We pulled away as our noses touched, I made a slight squeal as smiled wide, walking to put the bowl in the dishwasher. We walked out of the kitchen, into my bedroom and I crashed down on the bed, laying on my back. They lay down too, they put their head on my chest and lay horizontal on my bed. 

"Pfff" they sighed



A smile started on my face. I started playing with their hair, twirling around the pony tail I tied and running my fingers through the ends of their hair as I saw their eyelids flutter close. 

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liked by amarafellowesiscool, pascalispunk and 9738 others

bellaramsey, amara HATES design and technology 

                              tagged ↦ amarafellowesiscool 

amarafellowesiscool, sketch up assignment really bustin my ass rn 


             bellaramsey, ITS FUNNY 

             amarafellowesiscool, IT IS NOT 

user837642, can u guys post a pic of u kissing yet 

sophiemoren, bella and amara 'not dating' my ass

amarafellowes, the flowers are dying but I dont want to throw them out

             bellaramsey, every time I come over more and more petals have fallen off 

             amarafellowesiscool, BUT THEYRE SO PRETTYYYYYYYY

             bellaramsey, ur pretty 

             user52845031, i swear they r dating  I SWEARRRR 

             eliseharmen___, they def are 

             amarafellowesiscool, who's dating? 

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