Patrick Wilson Looks Like My Stepdad (and thats fucked up)

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We had gone back to mine, so I was sitting in my room, finishing up an art assignment. Bella had told me to stay in my room so she could set up the surprise, then they said they needed to go get the surprise and left for 30 minutes. I had absolutely no idea what they were doing, I was just grateful they didn't take me to a restaurant. Or like, karaoke. I hate karaoke. 

I heard Bella shift stuff around my living room and humming, I was trying to figure out what they were humming. Maybe it was just a made-up tune but it sounded familiar. I stopped sketching and listened

"Is that Phoebe Bridgers I hear you humming?!"

They stopped, and they were silent, "Uhhh.. nooo totally not!" 

I laughed myself, putting my almost down sketch into my folder. I pulled a drawer out, pulling out makeup that I never use. If it was gonna be a date I was hoping that I'd look good. I put my small mirror up on the table and chose the makeup I was gonna use. I wasn't very experienced in putting makeup on, I only knew a few things. That being blush, highlighter, contour on a good day and mascara obviously. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, my under-eyes were dark and  I was starting to break out on one side of my cheek. I groaned and pulled out concealer and powder, locking eyes with myself in the reflection. I twisted the top of the little tube and it opened with a weak 'shuk'. I dotted it under my eyes and on my cheek, then dabbed it in with a brush that probably wasn't right for what I was doing. I flipped off the powder's top and dabbed it where I had put the concealer. I brushed it off after awhile and whisked blush and highlighter over the sides of my cheeks. I swiped the contour over the sides and button of my nose, along my cheekbones too. I blended the lines in with the same brush from before. So far so good. I curled my eyelashes, and brushed the dark mascara between my eyelashes, blackening them. I looked at myself in the mirror touching up my skin as I heard Bella humming more, I joined in from behind the door as I re-tied my hair. They stopped humming, and sighed

"Your surprise is ready!!" 

"Do I close my eyes?"

"Yes! Hold on" I shut my eyes and I heard them open my bedroom door, shuffling their way in 

"Well don't you look pretty" I heard a smile in their voice, I smiled back. I felt their hands around my waist from behind me as they starting leading me out of the room making sure I didn't trip on anything. They had cooked something. Or bought something, it smelled so familiar. They stopped me, I think in my living room, I couldn't tell where I was walking. They let go of my waist and sighed 

"Okay, open your eyes" They smiled 

I opened my eyes to what I had been smelling, it was plates and bowls of Fries, Falafel, Kebab, Fast food. They had bought what looked like pounds of my favourite foods for me. 

"Oh my god"

"Do you like it?"

"YES. BELLA. YOU'RE SO SWEET" I exclaimed. They started pointing at all the different foods they had gotten.

"aaand I also got some Baklava, it's in the fridge" They smiled 

"Oh my gosh, thank you. You really didn't have to do this- wait what about you? Did you get vegan stuff? Do you want me to make something I might have some bolognese left?" 

"I got some, don't worry. Go go- sit down" 

They pointed to a blanket they had lay down in my living room, in front of the TV. I sat down in the piles of pillows, and leaned against the front of my couch

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Yeah, what movie were you thinking?"

"Hmmmm... Insidious" They said with a grin, handing me a plate 

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