The Fine Art of Bullshit

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☾irl: amaras perspective☽

I still feel like absolute shit. What invoked me to slap the shit out of Zana? It didn't make me feel any better. at all. it made me feel worse. I lied earlier when I said I wish she would've told me she hated me or act like she liked me. I wish she would've done nothin, I wish I would've done nothing, I wish I would've never ever told her that I liked her. I wish I was nothing and I wish I had  friends and I wish I had someone that liked me just enough. I wiped the 7am tears out of my eyes and told myself to suck it up. It was my fault anyway. I ripped the covers off my legs and cold air shot at my skin as got out of my bed for the first time in 12 hours. I did really need to pee. like really bad. and I was also really hungry. so I peed. and ate. not at the same time, don't worry. And I brushed my teeth and had a shower and washed my face and used up what little mascara was left in the tube to try look like I maybe just hadn't been crying for hours on end when I got to work. I chose my cleanest jodhpurs that had the least stains on them and put my hair in a low plait and sighed an apathetic breath at the 9 hours I had to work today. 

I got in the car and put my head in my hands and groaned. At least work might keep my mind off things today. Jackie had sent me a voicemail last night when I didn't pick up the phone saying to be there early at 8 because we had a really big event to do. If it was another 8 year olds unicorn birthday party I was going to bury my head in the arena sand and scream. 

                                                                                      jackie 🐴


Hey Mara, you almost here? we have a really important job to do today. you're really gonna like it. you and a few others are gonna help out with it, you, Nonie, Prue and Xavier. Tell me when you're close xx


                                                     Yeah I'm about 8 minutes away. Do you promise me we arent doing a 8 year olds unicorn birthday party? I hate getting the paint off. But yea im close, see u soon J x

jackie 🐴

I promise it's not a birthday party, you'll love it.    

☾irl: amaras perspective☽

I hopped out of my shitty jeep, the sides were covered in mud. I pulled on my riding boots and fell over a little bit while doing it. I trudged myself up to the office and let myself in were Jackie, Nonie, Prue and Xavier were waiting for me. 

"Hi" said Nonie through a yawn 

"Hi" I said back

"Alright," Jackie clapped her hands together, "Girls, and boy. Ive picked you guys to do a very very very very very special event."

"Hurry up and tell us, I gotta pee" Xavier said as everybody groaned in response

"Okay okay so. There's a crew filming some scenes for a TV show an hour or so away from here, and they need horses and people to help the cast work with and ride the horses for a few episodes. You just need to teach a few adults and a 18/19 year old girl I think they said." 

"What TV show is it for?" asked Nonie 

"Its for a show called The Las-"

"THE LAST OF US?!" I screamed and made Prue jump. I knew they were making a TV show but I didn't know they were going to be so close. I had played the game over 18 times, proudly. 

"Yeah, The Last of Us. Lord Mara. Anyway, there's a few trailers for you to take some horses. Xav you drive. Take 9 of the bigger horses for the adults, take Nellie for the girl and they said they need 2 or 3 ponies so take Aurora, Delta and Shimmer please." 

"O-okay" I managed to stutter out. Holy shit. We'd done some shit like this before for peoples short films and some other TV shows, but never anything, I don't know, big? I guess some of the TV shows we've helped with were big-ish. I was just excited about the prosthetics I might be able to see to be honest. I tried to keep my calm because I didn't want to embarrass myself my fan-girling out. 

I went and got the ponies, and took some ex-race horses into the trailers with tack and food. I had to take Nellie out for a quick lunge to warm him up a bit, I didn't want him to be restless on the hour trip to the set. 



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