Chapter 11

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I pulled my phone out on the bus home, I had a new notification on Instagram, it was Jackson with a dm, 'glad you joined the team' he ended it with a muscle arm emoji, I message back a thanks, and tell him I'm looking forward to play Milton

What I wasn't looking forward to was telling my mom though, after our row this morning, I completely disregarded her and needed someone to ferry me about to matches, I'd not really thought about the logistics of football

The only bus back out to the suburbs was once an hour, and after 7 there was no chance, Coach had said some matches wouldn't finish until 8 or 9, what was I going to do then.

I bet I would be the only guy getting picked up by my mom and dad, oh god and then they might come and watch me play, it would be so embarrassing.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulled it out to see Jacksons name across the notification screen again, 'if you need a lift to football just let me know, you don't live too far from me'

I say yes without thinking, but then send another text saying ill let him know its ok with my mom and dad, it sounded as lame as heck, but I soon got a response saying it was ok, his dad was just as bad, I still didn't know too much about Jacksons dad, but it didn't seem as though they got on great.

At least I got on with my parents, I mean most of the time, this morning excluded.

I sighed as I got to the front gate of our garden, mom and dads cars were on the drive, I made the slow walk up to the house and opened the door making my way inside.

"I'm home" I said wiping my feet on the mat, mom was sat on a stool at the breakfast bar looking over towards the door, you couldn't make a silent entrance into this house, there was no sneaking in at all.

"I'm sorry Sam" she says immediately, "no I'm sorry" I retort and we immediately find ourselves in a hug, "if you want to play football that's fine with me" she says talking into my shoulder reluctant to break off the hug

"yeah about that" I say with a little laugh, "I made the team and I've got my first match on Wednesday"

"you're on the football team?" Olivia looks up from the TV, she smiles pleasantly and does a little clap with her hands

""no way!" dad says, I can see he's unsure of what to say, his sporting interests cap out at fishing, and most of my football antics hadn't really been taken seriously in the family, after all we weren't exactly descendants from sporting people

Mom perhaps would play tennis occasionally, and my dad... well he was more a computer geek, he worked in IT and wasn't exactly into sports, although he would argue fishing was a sport

My grandpa was into fishing too, I imagine that's where dad learnt, that's about as far as our trophy cabinet went, Olivia was doing well in gymnastics and dance, but who would have thought, a cooper on the school team

"yes way" I say trying to sound cool although it sounded cooler in my head, heh these were my parents they wouldn't know what was cooler either way.

"don't be mad, but I already kinda arranged a lift to football too?"

"who, we need to know who is taking you?" my mom butts in with that concerned voice of hers again.

"Jackson" I say looking at dad, "the boy from the party?" my dad asks as I nod, "yeah he's on the team and he don't live too far away, said he could drop me back?"

"yeah that's ok" my dad says, my mom gives me one of her looks though, "he's just a friend, a straight friend I might add"

"oh that's great, I was only asking" she shrugs

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