Chapter 5

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"Sam this is Mrs Baxter, she runs a group that we think you might find beneficial while here at Ravenwood" Mrs Keller says adjusting herself on her stool

Mrs Baxter was a type of teacher I knew all too well, some middle-aged women most likely some devout Christian who secretly thought I should burn and go to hell, but somehow she ran the LGBTQ club for the school

"We do a meet up on Monday & Friday mornings, a breakfast club, and there's always lunchtime get togethers too"

Even her voice was nasally and irritating, I sighed in frustration looking over at Mrs Keller, still unsure why she had singled me out after school just to tell me about this club, at first, I thought I had been given a detention for something and was wondering what I'd done all afternoon.

The thing was, I hated these kinds of clubs, I wanted to just hang around with other students regardless of their sexuality, why people had to herd us all together like some misfits I never understood, I hated it in fact, I didn't need a label, I was just Sam a boy who happened to be gay.

Gay was the first label everyone gave me, why did everyone have to make a big thing about me being gay, I was certain my mom had phoned in the school after the incident with Eric on Monday, she was only trying to help I got that, but this wasn't helping.

"Thanks, but I just don't feel I need to go" I protest as politely as I can muster, I even add a smile and everything.

"but these groups will be a good opportunity to discuss your feeling and meet other like-minded students"

'like-minded', was Mrs Baxter for real? Like being gay was a hobby? I swallow down my anger and took a breath, "I've made some friends already, and I like sitting with my tutor at lunch" and that was true, I wanted to mix with the other kids, I didn't want to isolate myself in some stuffy room full of other depressed kids.

besides Ella was my friend now, and Josh too I guess, I mean they spoke to me, which was more than anyone had done before, they were nice, and Josh was kinda one of the cool kids too, he was dating one of the popular girls which I sat with at lunch, twice now.

Well, she sat with Josh, but it meant I wasn't totally the class dork, i wasn't sat on my own, things were going ok, I guess.

"I just know you struggle with some of the students in tutor group that all" Mrs Keller says matter of fact like,

"Eric... you mean Eric, surely he's the one you need to talk to, why should I have to go to some group because of what he does?"

"No-ones forcing you Sam, it's an open door" Mrs Baxter smiles, it's a fake smile and she talks to me like I'm a baby which just irritates me even more.

There's a silence between us and I'm left fiddling with my bag straps nervously, my eyes look up to the clock which is the only thing filling the silence with its incessant ticking, "I need to get my bus" I say by way of an excuse to leave, its true I have a bus to catch but its not for another twenty minutes, I just wanted to leave.

"Sure, ok Sam, well at least take a leaflet and a timetable" Mrs Baxter hands me a leaflet which reads 'so you're gay?' in colourful letters on the front, I notice the author of the leaflet is none other than Mrs Baxter herself, her name written in a mismatching font in the corner.

In fact, the more I looked at the leaflet the more I hated it, none of the fonts matched, and the colours were garish, like someone had threw up paint all over it.

"thanks" I smile shoving the leaflet into my pocket, and with a nod it seems I'm free to go.

I adjust my bag on my back again and head out the door, not looking back, just thankful I'm free to leave, I pass a Caretaker on the way to the parking lot, a wet sign sits in the hallway while he mops the floor, I keep to the left of it as i pass, the school feels weird and eerie now everyone's left.

As I exit into the parking lot, it too feels empty and soulless now, that is until I see Coach Crawlow filling his car with a gym bag, "Sam" he beckons over as I near his car.

"I didn't see your name on the signups yet" he motions closing the trunk of his car, "I don't know if it's for me" I say shaking my head slightly.

"because of what happened yesterday?" he asks, and I subconsciously rub my head were there's still an angry lump hidden underneath my hair.

I look to the ground "I just don't want to cause trouble" I admit "me on the team wouldn't work" I add my mind agreeing with my statement.

"is this because of Eric?" he rubs his chin with his paw, "you know he's one of my best players, football is a bit of a tradition here, and the teams the team you know?"

I nod but I'm not quite sure I know what he actually means, and I suspect he knows that too with the blank expression in his eyes.

"I'll talk to him if it makes the decision easier for you, I just want the best team for county cup, that's all I care about".

I'd never really met a teacher as open as coach Crawlow, it was clear he cared about football and wining, and he was clear that nothing else mattered, at least he was honest about what he wanted, but I still couldn't forgive him for ignoring Eric's behaviour and how he covered it up.

"You said you heard nothing; you don't know what's it like" I shake my head.

"you're right I have no idea, but getting Eric kicked off the team isn't going to make us win the county cup, I equally can't have him creating bad moral within the team, just.. at least consider it, I knew I'd seen your face before, you played for Brookdale right?"

"I did, until I got kicked off the team".

"I heard you quit, which I was a bit shocked about to be honest".

"well, that's bullshit, I couldn't play because I'm gay, that's the only reason, the team were just the same as Eric, and just like my old coach no-one gives a shit"

Crawlow pauses for a moment, and I realise I might get into trouble for swearing, its not my usual language but it just... it just makes me angry that people like Eric get away with it, and the cycle continues.

"Off the record, I owe you an apology for that, I should have said something, and I can only give you my word that Eric will be kept in check if you join the team"

He pauses for a moment, "you have to understand I am tasked with winning the cup, my neck is on the line if we don't deliver results, it's a Ravenwood tradition".

"I don't know" I shake my head, I really wanted to say yes, but part of me was screaming no.

"We beat Brookdale in the group rounds every year, imagine that right?" he raises an eyebrow and the thought of shoving it down my old classmates' throats does fill me with amusement, and I can even feel myself smile a little.

"Just think about it, that's all I ask, sign ups is open until next Wednesday" he waves a paw and gets into his car.

I continue walking towards the bus stop conflicted about weather to sign up or not, I wanted to play for sure, but how long until the team wanted to get rid of me again?

High School Fur - A gay furry coming of age storyWhere stories live. Discover now