Chapter 10

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"your in a good mood this morning, I guess school is working out for you afterall huh?"my mom said with the most enthusiasm I'd heard from her in a long while, and I guess after a rocky start I was feeling much better about school now, things seemed to be much better than the last school even despite Eric's best efforts to ruin that

"I guess" I say noshalontly, packing my freshly washed sports kit into my bag along with my lunch box

"any after school clubs or anything you've seen that might interest you?"

I knew mom was digging for information, she was digging for the LGBTQ group activities, what classes I might be joining, little did she know I had binned off that nonsense group, I hated the very thought of such a group and how they just alienated me further from the other kids.

Just a conincidence their meeting was on a Monday morning and here mom was asking, 'I can read you like a book' I thought, and a smile formed on my lips, because there was one club I was thinking of joining

"I was thinking of joining football" I say just as my mom choked on her tea she was sipping, placing the cup on the side and her face getting a little flusted, I wasn't sure if that was catching her breath or the thought of her gay son playing football again and all the drama it caused last time.

"Football?" she questions raising an eyebrow, her eyes searching for dad I guessed, perhaps for backup on what a silly idea this was.

"you know how football caused you so much trouble at Brookdale, why cant you pick something else?"

"I don't want to pick something else mom, I like football".

"but the whole thing with Kevin and moving schools...."

"mom, I just like football" I say shrugging my shoulders, and she wasn't exactly right, Kevin didn't just play football, he was just in my tutor and constantly gave me grief, like 24/7, even at the weekends he would find a way to taunt me on social media even though I made so many attempts to block all his stupid accounts

And even then he would still post shit about me on his own timeline for everyone to laugh about, football didn't have anything to do with it, it was just one of the things I had to give up because he would take the piss out of me for playing football.

In fact he got the team to petition that I be removed from the team, they all sat on the pitch unwilling to play for the entire sports lesson until coach said I can't play anymore.

I gave up then, but Jackson was right, who cares if im gay, football makes me happy, and I want to play, Jackson knew I was gay, and he still wanted me to sign up, and he was the captain.

"what about the drama group, couldn't you do that instead?" my mom asked, deep down I knew she was trying to protect me, but bubbling up inside was a tsnunami of emotions that I was struggling to control

"can I not just join football though?" I said like as if I was asking permission, I was 17 this was my life, surely I was able to make my own decisions.

"I just think drama club would be better for you..." I cut her off before she could finish, "Mom, I don't want to join the stupid drama club, or any LGBTQ plus whatever club, I just want to play football, why cant anyone just see me as Sam first, instead everyone sees me as Gay, its Gay Sam this or Gay sam that, I wish I never came out, things were much better before all this, and now everyone interferes and tells me what I should and shouldn't do"

My mom stood there her mouth open, her hand was on her hip like she was about to go off like a runaway train as she often would, but instead there was silence.

High School Fur - A gay furry coming of age storyWhere stories live. Discover now