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"Come on Olivia, I'm gonna be late for school" I wrapped my knuckles on the bathroom door for perhaps the fourth time, impatiently pacing up and down the hallway, I wondered how this day could possibly get any worse, my curly hair a mess and needing a good taming, this isn't how I wanted to look today, not today of all days.

I had already spent most of the night awake worrying about today, questions would flow through my head like, would I fit in?, could I be myself?, would I make friends this time?

My brain would keep telling myself, it couldn't be any worse than the last school, could it? But then it could, and all the what if scenarios would fly through my head preventing me from sleep.

Mom and dad had both been hesitant about me moving schools for my last senior year, but when I came out as gay it was a whirlwind of chaos, I'd gone from promising football star to lonely and miserable outsider, and the last fight I got into with Kevin Mackenzie was the final push they needed to swap my school.

if only they knew the half of it, the daily taunts, the graffiti my locker, and lets not forget the constant reminder from everyone that 'gays don't play football', it was the one thing i was any good at, and before i came out i was one of the team, playing well, scoring goals, i had friend, lots of them!

and then i was gay, my friends hated me and I was dropped from the team, all in the space of one week, Coach said i wasn't performing... i knew it was all a load of shit, it was because i was gay, and 'gays don't play football'

the other boys at the school complained to coach about me, I wasn't allowed to use the changing rooms, and before I knew it I was off the team, guys I'd known my whole life, guys I thought were my friends, that hurt the most.

"you know if you got up earlier the shower would be free" Olivia mocked me from behind the bathroom door.

"uggh, come on please, its my first day" I begged her pressing my forehead against the wooden door trying not to look at my watch and count the minutes I didn't have to get ready properly.

I heard the latch go as Olivia unlocked the door, a cloud of steam pushed its way into the hallway followed by my sister wrapped up in a towel

"thank you" I say quietly fighting my way through the steam into the bathroom, the shower was lute warm at best, most of the hot water already used by my sister spending far too long in the shower as usual

I didn't have the time I wanted to get ready, I really wanted to look my best, and make a good first impression, after all if I screwed today up, it would be a year of hell and eating alone in the school cafeteria like the last one, if only I didn't hit that stupid snooze button.

"Sam we're gonna be late" my dads voice travelling the length of the hall from the kitchen, I could even hear him over my hair dryer desperately trying to dry the curls in my hair.

I ran my fingers through with some curl defining product, it was the best thing I had found to tame the expanse of dark brown curls on my head, I rinsed my hands under the tap and gave my glasses a last wipe their black frames a distraction from the freckles I had adorning my cheeks.

I took a look at myself in the mirror adjusting my shirt and blazer, the school uniform almost a dark blue with white shirt and a light baby blue pinstripe on the tie, I liked it better than my old uniform but it still didn't feel like me, it wasn't what I would usually wear, far to formal.

"Saaam" I heard my dad shout again, he hated being one minute behind, we always had to leave exactly on time, even though I knew we would make it anyway.

"yes I'm coming" I said grabbing my bag, it was light and only housed a lonely pencil case, I wasn't really sure what to bring on my first day, and I was starting to wonder if I had forgotten anything.

High School Fur - A gay furry coming of age storyWhere stories live. Discover now