💫 Chapter-27💫

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Author- I am right now debating myself on should I continue this story? Or not?
Please tell me what should I do?


At night
Time- 11:27 PM
Namjoon's POV

Me and Hoseok both were still in the hospital. He was sitting near Jungkook Hyung still crying or you can say sobbing while I was sitting here. On the couch. In the whole day, he didn't let me touch him. Or even go near him.
Firstly I was so angry at him. Like seriously, how can he blame me. When he don't know what happened that time.

But, when I thought about it, I guess he is also not wrong. I mean He is wrong by blaming me. But it's all just a misunderstanding. He must have saw something else from where he was standing. And to be honest, if I was in his place, I would have done the same.
So, I just putted my anger away. I tried talking with him but he is not even looking at me. And it is hurting me so much. I also don't know why. If you ask me before I would never admit it or even think like this. But now, seeing a all time cheerful and happy person like this is making me so sad.

At first, I didn't liked his cheerful nature that much. But, now seeing him sad and not cheerful is making me sad.

I should talk with him. Maybe he will listen this time.

Author's POV

Namjoon stood up and slowly went near Hoseok. He lightly tapped on his shoulder. Hoseok looked at him with teary but angry eyes. He also stood up and faced Namjoon.

Hoseok- What do you want?

Namjoon- C-can we talk?

Namjoon said and Hoseok rolled his eyes. He again sat back and said

Hoseok- I already told you, I don't want to have any talk with you.

Namjoon- Hoseok... Please. Atleast let me explain what happened that time?

Namjoon said. Hoseok turned to face Namjoon. He said

Hoseok- Can't you understand in one time. I don't want to talk with you. Just go away.

Namjoon sighed knowing Hoseok is not gonna talk with him. He again went back and sat on the couch. He looked at his wrist watch and saw the time. It was 11:50 now.

Namjoon- It's late. Get some sleep. We still have school tomorrow.

Namjoon said to Hoseok who didn't have him any reply. He sighed again (for the nth time today). He laid down on the couch and closed his eyes trying to sleep.

Hoseok looked at the time. It was 12:30 right now. He looked at the side of the room where Namjoon was. He saw him sleeping.

Hoseok stood up and went near him. He took a blanket from near and tucked Namjoon in the blanket. He himself laid on the another couch and slept.

Next Morning
In school

Ya, they both came to school. Right now Jin was in the hospital and he sent both Namjoon and Hoseok to school. After so much argument they both agreed to come and now here they are. Standing infront of their class door. They both went inside and sat in their places. (which is right beside each other)

Jackson- Hey Joonie.

Jackson who again popped out from somewhere said looking at his best friend.

Jackson- Hey!!! Where are you lost?

He asked when he didn't got any reply from Namjoon. Namjoon looked at him shook his head.

Namjoon- Nothing. Well, Good Morning.

Jackson- Good Morning to you too. Well, how are you?

Namjoon- I am fine I guess.

Jackson- Ok and ya, I am sorry I didn't came yesterday. What happened when I was gone?

Jackson asked but before Namjoon could answer the teacher came in so, Jackson immediately went to his place which he behind Namjoon and Hoseok.

Mr. Wang- Ok, class. Take out your Maths books. We will start from where Mr. Jungkook left.

He said and all students started taking out their books and notebooks. Except for Jackson who was confused. He stood up and said

Jackson- Mr. Wang, why will you teach us Maths? It's Mr. Jungkook's period right now. Where is he?

Mr. Wang- Jackson he is hospital. You don't know?

Jackson- Hospital? Why?

Mr. Wang- He fell from stairs yesterday and is in hospital right now. So, I will be teaching you Maths, till he come back.

Jackson- Did he told you to teach us?
(He is not saying it in a rude way)

Mr. Wang- No. Mr. Kim Seokjin said. I didn't heard Mr. Jungkook yet.

Jackson- Ohh. Ok.

He said and sat back to his place. Mr Wang started teaching. In the middle of the class,Jackson tapped on Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok looked back and said

Hoseok- What happened?

Jackson- Is Mr. Jungkook fine?

Jackson asked more like whispered. Hoseok shooked his head and said

Hoseok- He is in Coma.

Hoseok whispered back.

Jackson- WHAT!!!!

Jackson unknowingly shouted out loud gaining the attention of the whole class.

Mr. Wang- What happened Jackson?

Jackson- N..nothing, Mr. Wang. I am sorry. Please continue.

Mr. Wang- Hmmm......

He said and again got back to teaching.

Jackson- He will be fine right?

He again whispered to which Hoseok replied

Hoseok- Doctor said he will be.

Namjoon's Thoughts-
When will he talk with me? What should I do?
Should I tell him the truth, that we are both brother. I mean we are both Twins? No no no no. Not now. I will find another way to talk with him and clear all the misunderstandings between us.

Hey Moon lights
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Meet you all in next chapter.
Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 1050

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