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I plan on going to my house a bit late today. I don't want to enter in that negative energy right now. I told Brianna that I will be strolling around town and joked about it saying that it will be a spiritual journey. She told me to be careful and to text her when I get home. I started walking without any idea of where I have to go. But I am going to trust the universe. I let myself admire the beauty around me. I don't know for how long I can hold on so I look around taking in all the beauty. I want to hold on for as long as I can. I hope I manage just fine but deep down I also know that someday it will be my last straw. I look around and find a lot of shops. And I wonder how many people know about these shops? How many regular customers they have? When did they thought of opening up a shop?

I remember when I was really young, I must have been four I believe. I went on a walk with my grandfather. He brought me to some shops like these and always used to buy something for me. I was too young to understand that affection and that love language but I understand it now. And I will forever be grateful for that to my grandfather. He passed away when I was eight so I don't have a lot of memories with him but I did enjoy his company. I always wonder was grandfather the same way as my dad. Did my grandfather changed as the time passed or he remained the same for my dad? Or maybe he was a present father. A father who is always there for his kids. Who cares for his kids. Because if he was a good father, why is my father not the same way?

The only grandparent that I have now is my dad's mother. Though I don't think she likes me a lot. Or my mother. She always give us a cold shoulder. I never understood the reason behind that. What can make you dislike a person so much that you don't even want to give them a chance?

I walk and walk and walk until I stumbled upon an Ice-cream shop. An ice-cream wouldn't be so bad right now. I enter inside and I already knew I was going to order for chocolate ice-cream. My eyes landed on a young girl with her father.

"Daddy, I want strawberry flavour." Her voice was so adorable and gentle. Her dad had the most adorable smile too. And I noticed they both looked so similar. They had the same pair of eyes and similar looking smile.

"Sure sweetie." He ordered for a strawberry flavour ice-cream and for some reason I wanted to capture this moment in my memory. Even though it wasn't even mine to capture.

It was my turn to order now and I ordered for a chocolate ice-cream. But when I reached into my bag, I realized that I wasn't carrying any money today. What the hell!

"$4.50." The lady said. Shit, shit, shit.

I was a freaking dollar short. I looked at her and said, "I am so sorry. I left my wallet at home. I am a dollar short. Sorry to waste your time." I turned on my heels as embarrassment flushed my cheeks red. But suddenly I heard someone say, "It's okay. I will pay for it."

I looked at the direction where that voice came from and saw it was the same men with his daughter. He pulled out his wallet and I immediately said, "Sir, you don't have to. I genuinely cann-" He cut me off by saying, "Trust me, I have no problem doing this. I have an elder daughter, she is 14 and is in a boarding school. You remind me of her. So, I would feel really good to help you."

His words made me feel....something. An emotion which is extremely hard to describe. I bit my cheeks from the inside as I saw him pay for my ice-cream. The lady handed me my ice-cream and I looked at this angel of a man and said, "Thank you so much. I really appreciate this and I am so sorry that you had to pay because of my carelessness."

"Oh, don't worry about that. It happens to all of us sometimes. We just need to help each other out. And like I said, you remind me of my daughter. Just think that your father paid for your ice-cream." He laughed as he said it.

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