Chapter Twenty

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Thanksgiving Day...

My feet were aching me like a motherfucking bitch. I was helping cooking in the kitchen for tonight dinner and it was a lot.

I offered to cook some meals that I would have during times like these and they let me. I decided to make my mom's infamous Pecan Pie and Curry got with rice.

I just wanted to have little undercoat of home with me. I was basically in a strangers house. It was coming to four and most of the food was cooked.

"Darling, go start getting ready. Guest are going to start coming soon," Maria says.

"Oh... are you sure? I can still help out," I offered.

"I'm fine here, Selena is being a good enough helper."

"Ma, you make it sound like I'm useless," Selena perks up.

"Because you are," Grayson coughs.

He enters the kitchen and gets a water bottle out the fridge. He was wearing the watch he bought the other day.

Oh my gosh. We should getting matching something. Is that to much? Yeah m, I will keep it to myself.

"Your not funny, you look like a troll," Selena snaps.

"You look like the one bitch from the nun," he snaps back.

"Plus, Lilianna wouldn't you agree I'm a very handsome guy," Grayson adds.

"Don't entertain them," Maria said.

"Tell the truth, he looks like a troll and he has the face of a goblin," Selena quips.

I laugh a little and discreetly covered my laugh.

"I look like a goblin? You're the one with the wicked with of the west nose. Your feet are giving big foot," Grayson snorts.

"No wonder why your called grumpy. Grumpy the troll, that's why your forehead is expanding to the sky."

"If you two are going to bicker get out my kitchen," Maria yells.

"Might I add I can see the likeness in the troll," I snicker.

"Ha, even she agrees you look like a troll and act like one. Get the fuck out my face grumpy," Selena laughs.

"What did I just say," Maria shouts.

"Sorry Mol. Woow, I'm deeply hurt. One."

"What's the next reason?" Selena ask.

"There was just one reason," he shrugs.

I looked at him and I realized the way he was saying one.

"Just one?"

"Yeah, just one. One reason."

He holds up one finger. I picked my phone up from the counter.

"I'm going to start getting ready," I said.

"Alright, by the time you come back down everything should be done," Maria spoke.

I nod. I get my phone and leave the kitchen. I head upstairs to my room. I go in and close the the door behind me

I reply to my messages. I haven't been active as much. I basically catch up with anything that I could have missed.

I texted Grayson.

Me: how did I go from five to one

Grumpy👺: You was on two in the kitchen and it went down to one. I was warning you

Me: why didn't u say sum to me when I lost the other strikes

Grumpy👺: I didn't need to. I'm not obliged to tell you

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