Chapter Six

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I sat on the couch in Gray's office watching him type something on his computer. He wasn't in a good mood for whatever reason who knows. He was always moody. There could be no reason for why he was anger, that's just how he was.

"She's eighteen," I said.

"You're funny Elijah, but eighteen-year-olds can't enter the clu-," he pauses.

"They used fake IDs?" He questions

"They did," I nod.

"I need to do better with security, never did I think that would happen," he says.

I lay back in the chair and let my thoughts drift off to Iris. She seemed older that night, she didn't look eighteen in the slightest. Her dress didn't help either, it made her look older as well. Her tits and the way they jiggle. She isn't trying and they move.

I never thought she would be one of my students. When she walked out of my office justifying the fact that she could do whatever, made me want her more. I just wanted to punish her.

The idea of fucking her and not letting her orgasm at all. Having her begging me to let her and stop teasing her, while I fuck her so hard she can't keep going. My cock was aching to be inside her. I wanted to ruin that innocent of hers.

"Stop thinking about her and find some other bitch," Gray spoke.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Thinking about her and getting rock hard in my office isn't going to help. There are plenty of subs out there wanting to please you."

"Gray, I don't want them, I want her. Don't act like you didn't feel the need to keep her to yourself."

"I can control my urges."

"You don't control shit, you shut people out. The first night we met her, you didn't even say bye to the girl. But, you called her Angel, never have I ever heard you use a pet name before," I argue.

"If you want her so bad, then go ahead. Long as she doesn't come here, I don't care what you do," he responds.

"You really are stubborn. How long do you plan on staying stuck on Tara?"

"Elijah, don't push it. This has nothing to do with her and last time I checked I was the one who broke it off."

He pushed his computer screen down and he leaned back in his chair. He rested his hand in the table tapping it.

"So you don't plan on getting another slave do you?"

"I don't fucking know, Tara wanted more than I could give her," he answers, angrily.

"Yet you don't like pet names and you called her Angel?"

"It's like you want me to aggravate me. One, She's not experienced. Two we don't want submissive and you know that. Three if we was to even suggest what we wanted she would call us racist immediately. Four, she's your fucking student your playing a dangerous game."

"If I'm being honest, I like that. I have never thought about any of them in that way, but she makes it seem interesting. Also, Did we know what to do when we started no, we learned. We can just ther and we can start her off as a sub. If you explain it to her in that, she will."

"There is no we, it's only you. I'm not even going to give her aftercare after a hard session. You know I'm emotionally unavailable for that type of stuff."

"Either way we are two different Doms. She wouldn't last a night with me," he added.

"You're just hard headed and don't like doing like change."

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